Problem Solved

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                                                                      Kazuha's P . O . V 

 It was five P.M and thirty-six minutes, was getting close to the end of the shift, there was one last costumer, saw her from the other room, I yelled; " AETHER, YOU GO GET IT!! " , He yelled something back but didn't care about it. I went to the back room of the coffee to get the cleaning stuff and hand them to Aether right after he got the order, and I made it for her. "Are you and the other guy siblings?" she asked. He chuckled , could literally hear him. "No miss, we are just co workers and basically friends! . Here's your order ma'am." I hand her the coffee , she pays and goes outside. "Now help me clean up don't just look at me" The blonde man said. "pffft. sure." 

 *After twenty-three minutes*

Aether left quicker because he had to meet up with someone, he didn't tell me who, but it is his problem. I was nearly done cleaning then I heard some get in the shop. It was Scaramouche, he did get back to me I see. Really thought he'd forget to be honest. . . "Oh! You're here. I'm almost done closing the shop, you can wait down" I go as I swing the card so no one else will get in. He was still silent, he isn't much of a talker I see? I finally got done cleaning so I ran to the back room once again to change my clothes and put the stuff back. "Alright, I'm ready to go. But do you know where he is right now?" I said. " . . . No . . . We'll have to find him but not sure where. If you don't mind walking a lot." he answered. I sighed as he got up and went after Tartaglia

I felt like we've been searching for him forever. My legs we're starting to hurt already, but Scaramouche was walking like it's literally nothing. I was wondering if his legs hurts too and not just acting like not. was starting to breath heavely so I asked him for a break; "Scara, can we please sit down somewhere for a bit?" he didn't speak back to me and walked faster to the hallway and said "There you are." It was the ginger person we we're looking for. I sighed in relief and mumbled "Atleast now the walking is over. I can rest." 

 "Oh hello Scara! and... what was your name again? You seem familiar." the ginger said. "Kazuha. Kaedehara Kazuha." I answerd with a slight smile . "ahh.. alright. But why are you two here?" he asked. I took my breath and spoke "The letter I was supposed to receive.". Tartaglia tilt his head to the side then let out an; "OOHH! THAT LETTER. Scaramouche was supposed to give it to you!" then Scaramouche said madly "BUT YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME WHO? YOU JUST TOLD ME TO GIVE IT TO THE CAFFEE?!" 

The two started fighting there while I was watching scared to interrupt. "Uhm...Can you two stop. I'm sure we can find another way." it was silent after I said that , then Childe said that he doesn't remember what was the letter about, he got a little embarrassed. Let a small chuckle out and told him we we're supposed to talk, but he couldn't come and needed to leave a letter. "Ah! let's go there to talk" he pointed at a corner far away from Scaramouche. I nodded and turned to Scaramouche giving a face "Please wait a bit". 

After me and Childe got over the problem I went straight back to Scara, he was looking at his black nails. Probably out of boredom . . . I sighed then give a smile to him "Let's head back, sha'll we now then?" he got up without saying anything. . probably he hates me? No we just met. Oh well can't blame him, he's the type of person that would only stay silent as much as I know

                      Scaramouche P . O . V 

        As we we're walking I saw an upset face on Kazuha when I turned my head a bit to see if he's catching up with me. Didn't know if I should ask but I still did, didn't want to seem rude... "What's wrong." it was silent then he decided to answer "Well.. just- they way you act kinda gives me the wrong impressions, you know? Don't take it to the heart but it's the truth" . ' that's why he didn't speak ? he was silent all the way 'til here... Do I apologize of my behaviour? no. I did nothing wrong? But I made him upset.. well kind of.' ... "Well.. sorry?" didn't know what else to say so I just kept going. I don't really apologize to people , was pretty weird. " Let's go to "my" apartanent real quick, I forgot something " I said as I still walked . He didn't say anything but still followed me.. 

 As we reached the apartament I told him to wait in the living room so I can check some paper...Childe's papers. We didn't get done searching through them. We didn't find what we needed. I sat down , put my reading glasses and read them carefully.

after 30 minutes

   I still didn't get done reading all of them, and nothing important that could help Tartaglia. I let out a big sigh then I see Kazuha peeking at me. "What do you need?" * SILENCE * . . . "Kazuha I saw you, just come here." I said as I put down the glasses "Well.. whatever you're doing takes a bit too long and wanted to check out??" * AGAIN SILENCE * "...I'm just checking these papers, nothing more. You can wait on the bed then if you don't want to stay alone. I'll try to be quick" I put the glasses back on and look at the papers 'hmm... Venti? Thats a whole ass far away person.This man has every person file? the fuck is wrong with him.' 

I let out a sigh and continue looking through the papers. 'MADAME PING? FUCKING MADAME PING? I'll cry.' I take another paper- "oh?" I said out loud then Kazuha tries to peek at my paper "Hmmm? what's that?" Kazuha says while I drag the paper to the other side to keep reading it and he lets out a pouting sound "I apologize but it's kind of private, don't you think so?" I say while keep reading ' hmm... name; Kaedehara Kazuha..... blah blah age is 23? damn. blah blah ' I read it carefully and then put the paper away since it won't help Tartaglia, but will help me know Kazuha a little more? may help me at a point... maybe? 

 after 21 more minutes 

 "Still not doooneeee?" he let's out a big sigh out of boredom. "May take more than nee-" My eyes spotted on the paper. The paper he needed. I look at it to make sure then I make it a mashed up paper and put it in my pocket so nobody will notice it or anything. "I'm done" I got up and look at Kazuha, he was most likely to fall asleep. "Don't fall asleep here, get up. I'm done. We need to find Childe again" He gives me the "no..." face while he said "Sure." I sighed but we really needed to find him. He needs that paper as fast as possible. But still he's probably out again with that Zhongli dude. will be hard to find him but plus I need to get Kazuha at his house. He can't sleep here, this isn't even my apartament pfft. I give my hand to Kazuha to get up then take my hand back fast "Let's go." I said as I put the glasses back in the case and walked away.

AUTHOR NOTE: Well this is all we did for right now 😭😭 don't really have anything more to say than this here so I guess I hope you enjoyed this chapter?   also me on my way to keep editing because mistakes. bigger than me being alive -Kazu!!

Where did the name go- ~Ven

To hell. -Kazu

words; 1381

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