Ruin. (Pickle's POV)

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My new/old pal Taco steps down the stairwell towards me as I was playing an RPG game, I paused the game on my round to say, "Hey, how's it been?" She smiles, though it seems a bit fake as I make my character use a healing move. "You know you can speak normally if you'd like, I know ya can!" I ruffle her lettuce playfully, this isn't meant to be blunt! 

"Really? Sure, makes things easier." Taco's eyes seem to glow a bit as she looks around the living room and smiles a bit more genuinely.

"It doesn't matter to me, I understand you either way." I shrug. "How's it been where ya from?" 

Taco's shoulders fall and she leans back sighing, "Mic already asked that, it's been fine..."

"I have a question, would you like to return home?"

Taco seems to take great interest in the Bow painting, or she's staring into space as she groans, "I'm eliminated, been away for too long. That whole 'Her Loss!' thing sucks."

"So, no?"

"No point, and besides, the timeline there is already ruined..." Taco looks away.

I scooch a smidge closer to Taco and pat her back, "It's ok, there's no such thing as ruined, only changed."

"Changed for my worse. If you are from the future, you'd know what I planned. I consider that ruined." She snarls and backs away toward the nearest arm of the couch, sometimes I forget she's from the past.

I try to think of what to say, neither of my brain cells is equipped for this. I come up with, "Hey, I'm sure that this life is much better than what the result of your plan was."

"And what was that result?" She tilts her head curiously like a puppy.

"Even that is a long story, but all I'm gonna say is second place, a massive outburst, and not being allowed to be in the following season. Just attempting to take control from the shadows. And failing." I explain. She nods in response. "At least that's what my forced read of the wiki by Fan told me." Taco chuckles a bit.

"Wow, that doesn't sound fun. You know, I'm intrigued by something."

"Go ahead."

"Why'd you take me under your wing in the first place?" 

The room grows silent, say for the people chatting elsewhere and a character using a lightning attack as I ponder any way to answer that question, turns out the enemy I was fighting can shapeshift.

"It was an impulsive choice, wasn't it? Even after all the bad things my future self had done, you failed to think, didn't you?" Taco purrs honeyed.

I sigh, "Yeah, and while you were in that playing dumb state, ya brought back so many good memories, and I-I couldn't resist." Taco almost seems guilty, maybe realizing that this was gonna be the fate of her friend had she stayed in her timeline? I really don't know with Taco and maybe never will.

"Based on what I've heard, I think you're pretty lucky you... found me and not my... future self." She mutters.

Taco says, "I'm going upstairs." and does so, it makes the room feel cold as my character uses an ice attack, and on the enemy's turn, an ally was knocked to 0 HP.

I get an odd feeling from Taco, but then again, it's been a while since I've seen her.


(A/N: Thanks for giving me the motivation to work on this stupid unplanned book, your comments, votes, and reads make this as best as it can be. There's a hint of symbolism here, I'd like to see what you think.)

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