The Answer. (Taco's and Microphone's POV)

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(Taco's POV)

My heart begins to pound like a drum as I await Microphone's answer as I slide onto the bed. It's been said I hurt her, so the answer is undeterminable-

"Of course I trust you Taco! You can change!" Microphone soothes, placing her left hand on the upper right part of my shell, as I extend my arms to hold Mic's head, and then, the unthinkable happens, she pulls me in for a kiss! I feel fizzy, bubbly, but at the same time, boiling. The lips that belonged to her practiced face were gentle and sweet like a Dip Dap. Taking a quick sniff, I notice Mic put on some perfume, specifically that of rose. Our hearts beat as one as I could imagine the romantic music as I notice Microphone's face slowly tinted with a vibrant rose red. I feel myself and her slowly warm up. It felt like it was an eternity our lips touched.

An eternity I never would sign up for and never did.

I force myself away and jump off the bed and berate Mic, "Sour Lemons, why would you kiss me?!" Microphone's face reminds me much more of one of those Red Label tea boxes and puts her head in her hands, half-muttering, half-yelling, "I-I always wanted to do that! I'm sorry if it was too early." The response came swift like the wind, but I slightly paused to adjust my tone,

"It's alright, you bloody little wild card." I teased, flirtatiously. How else would I do so?


(Microphone's POV)

I barely just looked up when Taco called me a wild card, head like a tomato, and Taco still had some blush beautifully painted in two lines on her face like an anime girl, and if you wondered, Fan showed me those. I mutter under my breath, barely to Taco at all, but still amplified, "What episode are you from?" Taco sits up straighter, "Episode 8, sent here after an accident with a Walmart bought time machine sent me here." She purrs honeyed. I reply, "Well, how were things?"

"Well, my game #1 Pickle and I were brought into an alliance with OJ and Bomb a bit before, and I crossed a quicksand pit with lemons. So I'd say well, what about you?"

"I don't do much anymore after the second season of II ended, that I debuted and quit. It's a long story, but to recap, your future self and I made a pact-"

"SOURCREAM!" Taco blurts, surprising herself. She shifts her hands and says, "My apologies, habits from my plan." She examines my eyes, smiling. 

I continue, "The pact was that she would help me in challenges in exchange for half of the prize winnings. First few challenges, the requests were acceptable, even if I had to change some instructions. I had a 'no violence' policy."

Taco retracted her arms and listened attentively, with a supposedly calm smile. 

"On episode 12, we stole some InvisaBows, she got a black one, I got white-"

"What do those do?!" She exclaims. "Sorry, habits again." She chuckles.

"Aww, it's ok. They make you go invisible when you press the center button." I walk up to my closet and open a drawer to grab a hollowed-out book with the device inside, "Watch." I put on the bow and press the button.

Taco appears concerned and confused, "LEMONS, where did you go?!" Her eyes dart around the room as I sneak behind her and shake Taco, "Boo!" In a split second, she extends her arms and grabs me, preparing a lemon for fire in her mouth as I plead, "Calm down! It's just me!" She charges the lemon and fires it at my left eye, obviously not convinced as I am slightly forced away and have the chance to press the button again, clutching the hurt eye. Taco steps back saying, "Apologies, do I need to get you an eyepatch or ice?" 

"I'm good!" I reply.

Taco nods, "Alright, I'll be downstairs, Microphone." She walks past me and smiles, going downstairs. Once I'm pretty sure she's gone, I begin writing my diary entry.

"SOURCREAM!" An II fanficWhere stories live. Discover now