Chapter 16: The Issue of Yeontan's Staying and Leaving

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~ 1 ~

I was suddenly hit by the idea of rearing a dog and attempted to negotiate the issue with Taehyung. Taehyung looks at me before responding, "Don't we already have a living being to rear at home?"

I grit my teeth and bore the humiliation silently, "Can't we rear a dog then?"

"It's enough that we are already housing a lazy glutton at present."

Me: "......"

Undeterred, I continued, "Rearing dogs has many benefits! It helps to cultivate patience, so we can view it as training for the future rearing of our kids."

"No way."

"But you owned a dog when you were young!"

"It was my dad's choice to rear that dog, I had no say in it."

"Don't you want me to go jogging with you? If you let me rear a dog I promise I'll go jogging with you."

After trying to persuade him for one entire month, he finally relented and agreed to let me rear a dog. As my friend had coincidentally picked up an abandoned Pomeranian at that time, I decided to bring it back home. When I first brought it back home, it was extremely smelly and dirty.

Taehyung was mildly displeased, "Why is it so ugly?"

"Don't say that! Our dog is just beautiful in an inconspicuous manner."

After bringing my dog for its vaccination, I brought it to the toilet for a bath whilst Taehyung leaned against the door and looked at us both. Smiling, I looked at him and said, "Our child's dad, why don't you think of some names?"

Furrowing his brows, he replied, "Anything will do......Be careful and don't get bitten."

"What should we call it? What about Tannie? It rhymes with the word money, I love Money, and thus I hope that Tannie would accompany me at all times."

The dog which was originally laying on the floor seemed to have understood what I said and abruptly lifted its head to look at me. Taehyung was also broken out into a heartily laugh.

~ 2 ~

Yeontan's front legs suffer from certain defects. Thus, when it attempts to run with its tiny short legs, it would simply be looking terribly silly and supremely cute. When I brought it out for a stroll, this stupid fellow maintained a lowered head the entire trip in order to be able to sniff the road. As a result, it knocked its head on the electric pole with a loud 'Dong', and got so confused that it was unable to recognize me, happily running after other strangers instead.

I didn't know whether to cry or laugh and commented, "Why is this kid so stupid?"

Taehyung smirked coldly, "It took after its mother."


~ 3 ~

There are times when I'm feeling terribly lazy and unwilling to head out; during these times, I would beg Taehyung to bring Yeontan out. Even though Taehyung is often unwilling to help, he would ultimately relent in the face of my incessant begging.

Once, I had to work overtime, and coincidentally met the two of them as I was on my way home. A certain fellow was walking ahead with his hand stuck in his pocket while Yeontan toddled shakily behind him. When Yeontan occasionally stopped to smell the flowers, a certain person would turn back and glare at him. A frightened Yeontan would then immediately hobble over to that fellow and follow in his footsteps.

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