Chapter 1: This is What it Feels Like to Tolerate a Male Capricorn

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Last year, when Kim Taehyung was on a business trip to Japan, I discovered a thread online titled "Sisters, how do you guys normally tease your boyfriends through text messages?". The answers in the thread were hilarious, to say the least.

Coincidentally, I had just changed my mobile number that day. As such, I sent Taehyung an anonymous message: "Hey Sir, do you need any special services?"

He didn't reply.

I persevered in my efforts, sending him yet another text message: "Little lonely wild pussy cat has a fiery and burning passion, and will be delivered to your doorstep. Satisfaction guaranteed."

After a while, he called me. On picking up the phone, the first sentence he said was, "Are you very bored at home?"

I was extremely shocked by his sudden call, "How did you know it was me?"

He said, "Only you would be bored enough to pull such a stunt." He paused momentarily, thinking before continuing in his usual baritone voice, "I'll be returning the day after tomorrow."

"So soon? Aren't you only scheduled to return next week?"

"Sudden change in plans."

Some time afterward, one of his colleagues came over to our house for dinner. The conversation naturally turned to the recent Japan trip, and the colleague said, "Mr. Kim didn't even attend the celebratory dinner. The moment his work ended he rushed to the airport without a moment's delay, claiming that there was nobody at home and he had to return to take care of the pussy cat."

He surveyed our surroundings, and asked out of curiosity, "Speaking of which... where's the cat?"

I flushed immediately. Taehyung placed a piece of fish in my bowl, and replied calmly without a change in expression, "It's easily scared and is afraid of strangers."

I wanted to bury my face in the bowl.

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Kim Taehyung was always an extremely stern and proud person in front of outsiders. As such, people often referred to him as Ice Man. Conversely, I was the exact opposite. As an experienced lunatic, I had a burning passion for acting, and Taehyung always tells me off by claiming that it was a pity that I haven't pursued an acting career.

Once, while we were eating out, I suddenly stopped and told him seriously, "Brother-in-law, how can we face our sister after what we have done?"

Initially, he would, along with the waiter, stare at me with a thunderstruck expression. However, he gradually got used to it over the years, and even managed to give a calm reply– "I'm sure your sister give us her blessings from Heaven."

There was another time when I was suddenly struck by inspiration, and I told him enthusiastically that I wanted to act as the lovestruck and loyal second male lead.

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