Chapter 8: Day 4

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It was a Thursday morning and Yashiro didn't have anything planned for the day, so she went to visit Hanako. "I'm heading out!" Yashiro told her family before any of them could stop her. When Yashiro got to the place where she usually met with Hanako, but he was nowhere to be found. That's when Yashiro saw a letter with the same blue seal she knew, the letter was from Hanako.

Dear Yashiro,
If you are reading this, then you'll probably know that I'm not there. The reason why is because I'm currently busy with something important at the moment. I'm so very sorry that you have to hear this, but I promise that I will get the chance to see you. For now keep waiting and hope for the best. I'll see you soon.
Your's truly, Hanako Amane
P.S Love you lots 🤍

Yashiro was slightly upset about this, but she understood that an angel like Hanako had important matters to attend too, so she didn't let it bother her all that much. Now knowing that Hanako was busy with his important matters she decided to go to the local cafe in town.

While in the cafe a robbery was taking place and Yashiro ended up getting held hostage. "Alright, nobody moves or else the pretty girl gets it." The robber said while pointing the gun at Yashiro. Yashiro was scared, she didn't think she would get in this situation and yet she did. As the robber was about to shoot Yashiro the lights went out.

When the lights came back on, standing before Yashiro was Hanako, who was looking down at the robber who was knocked unconscious. When Hanako turn around to look at Yashiro he spoke to her. "You know, Yashiro, you're quite troublesome." Hanako said to the poor girl, while kneeling down to her level.

Yashiro didn't care, she was just happy to see Hanako. She was going to respond but her voice wouldn't work, so instead Yashiro pulled him into a hug and started to sob in his arms. "Y-you idiot, d-don't you u-understand that I-I missed y-you so mu-much." Yashiro said in between sobs.

"I'm sorry I was late, but on the bright side I did just saved you." Hanako said while gently caressing her cheek. "You're an idiot." Yashiro said to him. Hanako chuckled at her response. "Come on, I want to see you with a beautiful smile. Not all sad like this. A petty lady like yourself shouldn't cry like this." He told her while slowly drying her tires.

Later the police came. Hanako told the police officer what had happened and that he was lucky that he got there in time. The police officer thanked Hanako for apprehending the criminal then left. "So now what Hanako-Kun?" Yashiro asked. "Well it's getting late, so it's probably a good time for you to get home. I can walk you if you want." Hanako said to Yashiro to which she nodded her head in response.

Afterwards Tsuchigomoi and Yako we're grateful that Hanako had saved their little girl. "Thank you for saving Yashiro, Hanako, we are in your debt." Yako said to the 17 year old boy. "It's not a problem Mrs.Yako, your daughter; Yashiro is my friend, and besides I was just trying to help." Hanako told her. They thanked him again then headed to bed.

An Angel's Vow (A Hananene/Amanene Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz