The Creepy Cellar

Start from the beginning

"Do you think you are going to fully move in with Hermione after that?" Dora sat down on Bella's bed and put Squeaks down next to her. She found a toy on a string and started playing with her.

Bella was already in her bathroom across the hall when she heard Dora ask the question. She hoped she had the all clear to move in with her girlfriend. She wanted nothing more than to live in the bookshop with Hermione and the cats. This was the most emotionally stable she had felt in years and aside from her thoughts starting to get to her today, Hermione helped her stay calm. She helped her want more out of her life. "I hope so," she called back to her niece in her bedroom. She quickly got dressed, putting on the slacks, dress shirt and finishing it with a below the bust black corset. She kept her hair down and put on her usual dark eye makeup and red lip. "Oh," she almost forgot the perfume Hermione had got her for Valentine's Day. She quickly sprayed herself and walked back in to see Dora laying down with Squeaks resting on her chest. "Don't get too attached. I'm taking her with me when I move out. She is Hermione's after all. She might be upset if her kitten goes missing."

"Say she ran away with the circus," Dora closed her eyes and relaxed further into the bed.

"As much as I don't think Hermione would buy that," Bella chuckled, "I'm going to have to say no to that one. Squeaks will be coming with me after therapy. You are welcome to come visit her anytime and you can play with her up here just don't let Andy see her." Dora mumbled a response, "or I can take you to the humane society and get you your own kitten."

"Yeah right," Dora laughed. "Like mum would let that happen."

"You could always move out."

"And give up my rent free residence? No way. Do you know how good I have it here? I basically have the whole second floor to myself. Mum only comes up to yell at me and when you go maybe I'll move up here."

"Oh no," Bella shot that down quickly, "just because I'm moving out doesn't mean this house still won't belong to me. Nobody touches this floor," Dora mumbled again. "Maybe I'll let you keep a kitten up here though."

Dora perked up, "I think Squeaks would like a playmate."

"She loves Crooks. I can't say the feeling is mutual so yes," Bella sat on the edge of her bed and Squeaks crawled over to her and snuggled, "I think she would love that." She picked up the kitten and kissed her head before standing up and putting her back on Dora's chest. "Are you staying here for a while or do you have to go back to work?"

"I'll tell mum I wasn't feeling well. I want more snuggle time," Dora pet the kitten.

"Fair enough," Bella covered her niece and kitten with a crochet throw. "Keep her company Squeaks," she kissed the kitten's head. "Don't let Andy find her," she kissed Dora on the forehead. "Wish me luck," she called and she left the room.

"Good luck Auntie Bella. Henry already loves you!"
Hermione and Bella pulled up outside of Henry's small country cottage just past 11am. During the twenty minute car ride, Hermione had noticed her girlfriend becoming quieter and folding into herself. She knew that Bella was over-thinking the brunch today and wanted to try to get her to relax and enjoy herself but didn't press the issue. She had inquired about how Squeaks was finding her accommodations and she was told how Dora had commandeered the small kitten prior to her leaving for the afternoon. They had both agreed that Dora needed to come visit the shop more so she could spend time with the cats and of course them as well. Hermione had noted that talking about the kitten and her niece seemed to loosen Bella up until they pulled up outside of Henry's house. She reached over and touched Bella's thigh. "It's going to be okay, love. I promise. Papa loves you already and he has a rather grande collection of books." She saw Bella's eyebrow raise, "I know you wouldn't think looking at his home but the whole basement is full of books. He will probably even let us take some home."

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