Bella's Revenge

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Trigger Warning: abuse and torture

The morning was spent laying around in the bed while the dark haired caretaker read more passages, this time moving onto Shakespeare. The bookshop owner was content enough to lay around and listen to the other woman read. It was slowly becoming her favorite pastime. Hermione was sure that she was in a dream that would end all too soon. Neither woman was ready for the morning to end, so Bellatrix offered to make the brunette something to eat and bring it to her in bed. Not wanting to seem too needy, the fact that breakfast wasn't necessary was a topic that got shot down quickly.

The older woman made her way to the kitchen for a little while longer than she would've needed if she were at home but not knowing where everything was kept slowed her down. When she came back into the bedroom, she saw a freshly showered brunette, resting against the headboard reading. "Waffles?" She smiled looking at the tray of waffles, crispy bacon and fresh cut fruit. Hermione inhaled the delicious intoxicating scent of her breakfast and smiled, "nobody has ever brought me breakfast in bed aside from my mum when I was little." The tray was set over to lap and she discarded her book just to the left of her. "It smells delicious. Cooking is a hidden talent of yours?" She looked over at her companion who gingerly got in the bed so as not to upset the bruised ribs and she sheepishly nodded. "Well I'm thoroughly impressed. Here," Hermione said, holding out a fork for Bella to grab, "it's always better when you have someone to share it with."

"I have a wide range of abilities that I hope to share with you one day," Bella smirked as she took a bite of her waffle, moaning at the appreciation of her own food.

The sound immediately dried Hermione's throat and she had to reach for her glass of orange juice. "Remember... we are taking things slow," she had to remind herself when the older woman looked over and winked at her flushed cheeks. "Well, with that glowing recommendation I have to try them," she threw Bella's words back at her and took a bite for herself, nodding her approval. "So good," she said, trying not to talk with her mouth full.

The women ate their breakfast while in trivial conversation and when the food was finished, Bella helped Hermione get comfortable on the couch then hurried to do the dishes. "I'll be back later, love. I have something I have to take care of this afternoon. Will you be okay by yourself for a while?" Hermione nodded, "I'll be back later, I promise." Bella leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Hermione's forehead before bringing her over a small stack of books and the telly remote to keep her occupied. "Oh," she turned back to face the brunette, "I've already made you a sandwich for later. It's in the fridge." It was hard not to swoon for this woman who was managing to say and do all the right things. Hermione couldn't believe that all of this was real. "Okay. I'll be back soon." Hermione said her goodbyes as the older woman left for the afternoon. She turned on the telly and prepared for a midday nap.

Bella didn't go far when she left the Rose. She went straight to the Magie Noire to talk to her niece and hoped that she could successfully avoid Andromeda today. She peeked in through the window and saw her sister at the chair applying a bright blue color to someone's hair but didn't see Dora so she figured she'd go around back and in through the backdoor. Quietly, she opened the door to the office and saw the surprise on her niece's face when Bella held a finger up to her lips for the young woman to keep quiet. She crooked her other finger, summoning the other girl to follow her outside for a moment, "hey. I need a favor."

"I'm only slightly worried with all the 007 actions you've taken to get me outside," she saw the glare coming from her aunt who started to slowly pace, "sure. Shoot. What do you need?"

"Well," Bella looked over Dora's shoulder to make sure her sister hadn't followed them. "I need to borrow your computer."

"You know mom won't like that." Dora sighed. "You aren't allowed on the computer. 'No electronics and no internet.'" She put air quotes around the last part of her sentence. "Mom will kill me."

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