Four of a Kind

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The days dragged on at the hotel, each one feeling slower and more painful than the last. With (Y/N) gone missing and Charlie sinking into depression over it, the atmosphere was heavy with uncertainty. Husk tried to ignore the change, burying himself in alcohol and pretending not to notice the cracks in his once stone heart.

His days were a blur of drinking, hiding away in his room, and occasional bouts of tears in the bathroom. He couldn't help but think of all the missed opportunities and what-ifs that haunted him. If only (Y/N) had returned after winning the game, perhaps things would be different. But instead, he was left with a void in his heart and a sense of self-loathing that consumed him.

He had taken a gamble on his feelings, hoping that (Y/N) felt the same way. But now, with her absence weighing heavily on him, he wondered if he had made a mistake by not taking a chance sooner.

The outcome wasn't what he had envisioned, and now she was likely moving on, leaving behind the hotel, its occupants, and him. The thought weighed heavily on him, a bitter reminder of the fleeting nature of connections in their world.

Without even stepping foot into the casino, Husk could sense her victory. (Y/N) had mastered the tricks he taught her in record time, a testament to her skill and determination. Yet, seeing her with luggage in tow signaled her intention to leave Hazbin for good, a realization that stirred an unexpected mix of emotions within him. He expelled smoke from his lungs, discarding the spent cigarette and lighting another. As time ticked by, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that she should have emerged by now, her absence weighing heavily on his mind.

If all's the same, she would've come right out after the shift, which is around this time. It's been at least twenty minutes since she was supposed to come out and come back with her.

As Reginol emerged from the rotating glass door with his entourage, including (Y/N) carrying her luggage, Husk's gaze darkened. He approached them with purpose, his steps deliberate as he positioned himself within earshot on the bustling street.

"I'm telling you, sweetheart, there's nothing bad about it. Just the typical day job that most humans do every day," Reginol's voice carried over the noise of the street as he spoke to (Y/N).

Husk's jaw clenched, his emotions simmering beneath the surface as he prepared to confront them.

"You?" she asked, a hint of surprise in her voice, though she was well aware they typically returned to the hotel together.

Reginol raised an eyebrow, looking at Husk with mild interest. "Oh? Is that a friend of yours?"

(Y/N) hesitated for a moment before averting her gaze and replying, "No. I don't know him. He's just a room neighbor from the crappy hotel I was staying in."

Husk's glare intensified at her response. "Well, this 'crappy neighbor' is tasked with making sure you get back without a chance to grab another one of that alcohol that made you vomit on the doorstep. So let's get the fuck outta here already."

"Disgusting," Reginol muttered before getting into the limo.

(Y/N) whispered her next words, "Husk. Just... go back without me."

Husk's brows furrowed in confusion. "Why? Is it because you've found a better place to stay?"

She shook her head. "No, it's not that. I-- This is just none of your- or anyone else's concern."

"None of my concern?! So that's it then? All the effort I've put in for you means nothing to you now, (Y/N)? Because you've already gotten what you want?"

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