Two Pair

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I observed from the balcony as the high-stakes game unfolded below. It wasn't often that I encountered players of this caliber in the secluded area of Pride, but it seemed that one of the top gamblers from the city casinos had decided to make an uninvited appearance.

"300,000," the player confidently placed his chips on the line, his demeanor oozing with self-assurance.

The bull demon in the suit across from him showed only a hint of interest, his expression betraying little emotion. "It's only two pair. No reason not to risk," he remarked casually, his side of the table already boasting millions in chips. Without hesitation, he upped the ante. "1,000,000."

The dealer, a silent figure standing by his side, revealed two more cards, both of which seemed to fall in his favor. "2,000,000."

As I descended to the first floor, a heavy silence fell over the table. All eyes turned towards me, including those of our esteemed guest, Terano, whose smirk faltered as he realized that my presence spelled trouble for him, especially given his low ranking among the gambling champions.

Two other players flanked Terano, and it was clear that they were in cahoots with him, hoping for a share of the spoils as they sought to empty our establishment and transfer its riches to their own side of the casino. As a vice of this territory, I couldn't allow that to happen.

Placing my hand on the shoulder of the demon beside me, I whispered loudly enough for all to hear, "Darling, it's better to stop now before things escalate." He began to protest, but the intensity of my stare, now tinged with a devilish aura, silenced him. With a resigned sigh, he folded his cards, allowing Terano to claim everything on the table.

"(Y/N), how nice of you to drop by," Terano greeted with a smirk, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "You've got some good customers here today. I couldn't help but join in the fun." He casually grabbed a glass of wine from a passing waiter, taking a sip before returning his attention to counting his earnings. "I've got plenty of time on my hands right now. Might as well gamble here all night, eh?"

I raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by his presence. "I'm sure you've got other business to take care of, especially considering you're finally arranging to build a hotel near the shores."

Terano chuckled, a hint of bitterness in his voice. "So you knew about that. Well, as you've heard, yes. And I've been having a bit of a rough patch lately. Luckily, this place is a gold mine. No wonder you're dressed to the nines tonight. You must be loaded from all your years of gambling here."

I shook my head, maintaining my polite facade despite the simmering tension between us. "You jest. I barely have enough to get by," I replied diplomatically. "But I'm sure you've had your fun, darling. Why don't we call it a night?"

Terano's attempt to stir up excitement fell flat, met with subdued responses from the crowd. It was clear that his reputation alone wasn't enough to sway the seasoned gamblers in attendance. Nevertheless, he persisted, issuing a tempting challenge to the room.

"Who here wants to risk it all for a chance at twenty million? Let me see your claws up!" Terano's voice boomed, but the lackluster response spoke volumes. His desperation was almost palpable, and I couldn't help but hide a smile at his futile efforts.

Seizing the opportunity, I guided the demon I had warned earlier out of his seat and claimed it for myself. "Since we're in such a festive mood tonight, I'll stay and entertain you," I announced, my tone laced with amusement.

Terano's expression soured at my unexpected decision. He knew better than to challenge the top tiers, especially when they showed a willingness to engage. The other two players looked to him, silently awaiting his response. "Am I welcome?" I asked.

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