They weren't also smart enough to read between the lines, so they didn't think anything suspicious of one last kiss.

They let her kiss him, cracking some jokes, not noticing quickly enough when she pushed him over the board and he fell to his abysmal death.

The water were deep, and he had his handcuffs on his hands that they couldn't do anything about in that short time.

He had told her to do that.

"Ariana, while we're on the deck tomorrow, I need to find an opportunity to jump into the water", he told her yesterday in the hospital room.

"What! But Simon, you might die. You're aware they'll handcuff and probably blindfold you beforehand!" Ariana didn't even want to think about it.

"They won't blindfold me. They know now that my powers work through the hands," Simon explained to her. Virgo Styles had revealed seeing Simon at work, so he couldn't lie that his powers worked through his eyes.

"And that's good. You know I'm a good swimmer. I even taught you to swim. What I've never told you is that I spent days exercising and learning to swim, I'd say, relatively well with handcuffs on. Even underwater. Hopefully, I will survive."

As she heard his fall into the water, she shut her eyes tightly, and tried to keep her tears from falling. She realized just how much she trusted him. With her life. With his life.

As she was made to sit on her knees and all the cops became alert that they just lost one of the most dangerous men in the world, Ariana hoped he'd survive.

She'd pray that he would.

He had ruined her completely but there she was, on her knees, smiling at the wooden deck. And crying.

What had she done? Had she just killed him?

She shut her eyes and saw herself, in her mind. She saw herself swimming with him, skiing with him, kissing him, becoming him.

She saw herself dancing with him, she was wearing an emerald green dress and he was wearing a elegant suit, and they moved all around the room. He threw her around with such ease.

She'd decided she'd live in her imagination.

I'm never gonna dance again, guilty feet have got no rhythm, a voice within her head sang.

Before, Joseph, Simon had been the one and only love of her life.

If he was dead, she wanted to be in heaven to him. Or even hell.

If he had drowned, she wanted to drown as well.

How could she do that to him? She cried.

"I will be fine Ariana, even in death," Simon said and she saw his blue eyes and his silhouette emerging from a dark nook of her mind.

She intook some air, only then noticing she was suffocating herself. She tried to walk towards him, but she couldn't. Her feet her stuck in the floor.

"Why?" She cried out.

Simon smiled. His smile was beautiful and serene.

"Don't look to your past, Ariana," he said.

"But if I'm here, and you're here, does it mean I'm dead?" Ariana asked as she looked at his ethereal silhouette.

"If you were dead you could do anything in here, even fly with tied wings," Simon said, peacefully.

Ariana heard his words and started crying. It couldn't be. She didn't want it to be true.

"Thank you Ariana. You've given me a reason to live."

And he vanished. And her entire imagination of him.

"As the hours pass,
I will let you know,
That I need to ask
Before I'm alone,
How it feels to rest
On your patient lips
To eternal bliss,
I'm so glad to know"

Simon Taylor was declared dead, days after he flew into the waters of the English channel. They had scoured the waters, but they couldn't find anything, not even a corpse. They've declared it impossibile though to swim in those waters with handcuffs on, so they didn't believe he could've survived.

Ariana had been tried and found not guilty of Simon's death. A witness, one of the guards, said he registered the moment pretty intimately, but he was too far away to stop it. He swore it was clear suicide.

Suicide? To Ariana it seemed like an impossible word to be used in relation to a guy like Simon.

And two months later after entering prison, Ariana learned she was pregnant. With Joseph's child.

And hence, this was her story. Or at least the first part of it.

Nobody really ever found out who the white tow-truck guy was, and everybody seemed to completely forget about it.

The end of book I

Thank you for reading my book from the bottom of my heart!!!


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