"Okay, seriously, who made up these rules?"

"It's a rite of passage into his pack."

"You know what else is a rite of passage? Graduating from high school. And you don't have to kill anyone to do it! Why can't you just find him yourself? Why can't you just sniff him out when he's a human?"

"Because his human scent could be entirely different. It has to be you. You have a connection with him, a link that you can't understand. If I can teach you to control your abilities, you can find him."

"So if I help you - you can stop him?"

"Not alone. We're stronger in numbers. A pack makes the individual more powerful."

"How am I supposed to help if I have no idea what I'm doing?"

"Because I'm gonna teach you. Do you remember what happened that first night you were shot in the arm - Right after you were hit?"

"Yeah, I changed back."

"And when you were hit by his car, the same thing, right? What's the common denominator?"

Derek broke Scott's arm and the latter frowned. "What the hell are you doing?"

"It'll heal."

"It still hurt!"

"And that's what keeps you human - Pain. Maybe you will survive."


Allison opened her locker and quickly hid the birthday surprise that Lydia had given.

Scott walked up and asked, "Is today your birthday?"

"No, no," Allison replied. "Uh, no. I mean, yes. Please don't tell anybody.  I don't even know how Lydia found out."

"Why wouldn't you tell me?"

"Because I don't want people to know. Because - I'm 17."

"You're 17?"

"That's the reaction I'm trying to avoid."

"Why? I mean, I-I totally get it. Uh, you had to repeat a year because of all the moving around, right?" She kissed him. "What was that for?"

"For - literally being the first person to ever make the correct assumption. Everybody's always like, "What - Did you get held back?" "Did you ride the short bus?" Uh, "Did you have a baby?""

"That's what you hear on your birthday?"

"Oh, yeah. All day long."

"Then - What if we got out of here?"

"Skip class?"

"Yeah, the whole day."

"Well, you're asking someone who's never skipped one class to bail out the entire day, and I don't-"

"No, see, that's perfect. If you get caught, then they'll go easy on you."

"Well, what if you get caught?"

"Let's - try not to think about that."


"Just a friendly reminder - Parent/teacher conferences are tonight," Harris told the class. "Students below a "C" average are required to attend. I won't name you, because the shame and self-disgust should be more than enough punishment. Has anyone seen Scott McCall?"

Harris glanced at his door as someone entered. "Hey, Jackson. If you need to leave early for any reason, you let me know." He turned back to the class. "Everyone, start reading Chapter Nine. Mr. Stilinski. Try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs. It's chemistry, not a coloring book."

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