Chapter Thirty-Nine: It's Supposed To Be Fun Turning 21

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Brittany and Isabel found themselves on the dance floor, arms wrapped around each other as they sang their hearts out to the song blasting through the speakers. They both were clothes in slim-fitting black dresses with three inch heeled ankle boots, looking more like sisters than they did cousins.

Guys at the bar were buying Brittany drinks left and right. She fully believed that was because of her 'FINALLY 21' sash and crown, which was most definitely the case, but also because she was undeniably the prettiest girl in the room.

"What do you want to drink?" Asked the attractive blond haired guy as he guided her towards the bar. Brittany was already drunk thanks to the many drinks (and high from the edible she and Isabel had taken earlier) but the cute boy insisted that she drank more. Plus, it was her twenty-first, after all. It was the perfect excuse to go crazy.

"A vodka soda with a lime," she told him, watching as Isabel came prancing over, wrapping her arms around her cousin. Before the cute guy in front of them could order, Brittany spoke. "Wait, can you please make that two? For my cousin."

The cute boy grinned as he nodded his head. "Of course," he complied before turning to the bartender and relaying the drink order.

Brittany turned to her cousin with a smile on her face, happy the boy beside them was purchasing both of them a drink. Isabel, knowing what Brittany was thinking just by the look in her eyes, shimmied her shoulders in excitement. She then pulled her phone out of her purse, showing her what she had originally been excited about. "Marco's coming," she said before squealing. "He texted me."

Brittany eyed their text exchange before turning to Isabel with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, you like him, Izzy," she said playfully. "You like Marco De León."

"I do not," she retorted, quickly placing her phone back into her purse.

Brittany disagreed. "I think someone has a little crush."

"Stop! Lies lies lies, Brittany!" She continued to deny.

The cute boy in front of them accepted the two vodka sodas from the bartender before handing them to Brittany and Isabel. Both of their eyes lit up as they accepted the drink before taking their first sip. It was the perfect mixture of soda and vodka - a drink that was never sweet, which always made Brittany believe that she wouldn't wake up with a hangover (and that was definitely false).

"Marco's here," said Isabel as her eyes landed on him from across the bar. He was sporting his usual style, a buttoned-down shirt with the top buttons undone and a chain around his neck. She already knew that Brittany would have a lot to say in the morning about her and Marco - starting with insults about his outfit choice. "I'm gonna go say hi."

"Give him a big kiss on the lips for me," she told her cousin before letting out a hearty laugh.

Isabel rolled her eyes as she walked away. "Oh, shut up."

Brittany turned back to the cute boy in front of her, squeezing the lime into her cup. "Thank you so much for buying both of us a drink. That was so nice of you."

"Of course. I had to. It's your twenty-first," he said as a smile formed on her face, his words making her feel special on her big day. "And also, I think you're really hot."

Brittany felt her cheeks flush red as she stirred her drink around with a straw. "I think you're really hot too."

"Hey!" Exclaimed Isabel as she practically came sprinting toward Brittany. Way to ruin a moment... she thought to herself as her cousin wrapped her arm around her shoulders. "I know it's your birthday and I know tonight is all about you but Marco said he can get us a pledge to take us to the frats and I think it actually might be a lot of fun," she said without coming up for air. Brittany realized she could use a few more drinks to be as drunk as her cousin. "Please, Brittany."

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