Once Quirkless Not always Quirkless

Start from the beginning

Toya looked at her sketchbook to see what was basically a cool looking jacket with boots and pants.

"What's with the oversized Jacket?! I would look ridiculous!!" Said Toya.

"Give me that! Toya, this costume could withstand the heat of your flames and I imagine that it could cool you down with air conditioning added in, this could benefit you!!" Said Y/n as she poked him with the sick until he finally grabbed it and threw it away.

"Finally Toya, I thought you would never do that." Said Y/n as Toya did a blank face at her, Y/n snickered menacingly.

"IM GONNA KILL YOU!!!! GET BACK HERE!!!" Yelled Toya as Y/n began sprinting away, dying of laughter.

After playing with Toya, Y/n left to go back to Izuku and Bakugou, bringing back some dango.

Only to see Bakugou was about to use his quirk on Izuku who was terrified.

"Katsuki." Said Y/n as she walked closer as she held the bag of sweets, Bakugou looked and knew he screwed up.

"What are you three doing to Izuku?" Said Y/n as she tilted her head as they let Izuku go, the midoriya cling to Y/n's leg and cried.

After giving a scolding, y/n was about to tell his mother when Izuku pleaded not to tell his mom, Y/n reluctantly agreed, but didn't look at Bakugou, disappointed in him.

But she ended up giving him the dango after Izuku was still pushing to forgive Bakugou.

They went back to Y/n's home and she was reading some poetry about justice while Izuku and Bakugou were watching all might defeating villains left and right.

6 years later....

Y/n was in school her hair all tied up and studying more on quirk laws and investigations on crimes that had been documented. Until her teacher called her up to the front of the class.

"Wonder what that quirkless did this time..."

"Shhh! This gonna get good."

"Shut up! She'll hear you!"

Y/n got up to the front and looked at the teacher, wondering if she was getting something that could make her grades and achievements all paid off.

"Y/n you have received an internship from the Police agency, you can skip the process of high school to join it full time because of your IQ scores, or you can stay and finish your grade." Said the teacher, everyone looked shocked, even Y/n was a little taken aback, sure she knew that she received the highest scores but now this?!

"I am sure that this class will miss you."

'Yeah they'll miss me, because I help them with homework.' Thought Y/n as she saw the panicked expression of her classmates.

"Can I have the first option?" Asked Y/n.

"Sure there is a car waiting for you outside to take you to your internship." Said the Teacher.

'Gotta love the anime logic in this world.' Thought Y/n.

"Can't believe it...."

"A quirkless really beat us?!"

"Sayonara!" Said Y/n as she walked out of the school to see a police car already outside.


"I'm sure you are wondering why we, the police force, offered an early internship to someone your age." Said the police officer, Y/n nodded.

"Yes, I would like to know." Said Y/n.

The Detective (Yan! Mha Boys x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now