"I could've at least got juice or something." The blond whined and crossed his arms over his chest. "Finish your water first." "No, anyway continuing our earlier discussion, what the fuck is going through your head about this situation?" Chifuyu crossed his legs and held his glass of water in front of him as he faced Hakkai. "I don't really know Chifuyu. Like, I really want to be with him but then there's probably someone way better out there for him. I wanna be able to think that I'm the perfect one for him, but then again maybe thats a lie. It's complicated," The model sighed and was now wishing that he'd asked Mitsuya to get him the strongest drink they serve. Chifuyu pondered for a moment and nodded.

"And your feelings are valid. Most people feel that way at one point before getting into a relationship. What type of guy do you assume is perfect for Mitsuya?" He asked and sipped his water.  "I mean, just whoever makes him happy and wholeheartedly cares for him. Someone who suits him and accepts all his flaws and perfections. They can be able to receive everything he has to offer and be able to give him something equally valuable. Someone he can be comfortable and vulnerable with." Hakkai was just speaking on a whim, but he meant everything he said and Chifuyu could tell. He started tearing up which made the Shiba stop talking and give him a funny look.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm currently trying to figure out if Baji is now up to my new standards you've made me realize exist." The blond sniffled and turned around to contemplate as he absentmindedly sipped his water. "Um, okay. I wonder where Taka-chan is, he's taking a while," Hakkai muttered to himself and looked around. He could see a tuft of lilac hair on the other end of the bar.

"Bro, do you hear Mitsuya? He's cussing up a storm, my goodness." Chifuyu had snapped out of his thoughts and he caught the sound of their friends' voice. "I was hoping I was jus hearing shit, I guess we should see what's the issue." Hakkai stood up and started walking over to his best friend with Chifuyu close behind. "So you thought you could just fucking try and drug my drink and I wouldn't notice? Shit, people are really dumbasses nowadays huh?" Mitsuya took a breath before grabbing one of the glasses he had behind him and throwing it in the person's face.

"And that looks like a cue to leave!" Chifuyu interjected and suddenly got a burst of energy that let him drag Mitsuya out of the bar while Hakkai paid the tab and apologized for the scene. "So what the fuck happened back there?" Hakkai asked as the three waited outside for their Ubers. "Oh, some shittard tried to roofie your drink. And I dunno about you, but me personally-" "Okay he's walking out now so just put your beanie back on and shush. Can't have people running around saying the marvelous Takashi Mitsuya threw a drink at them now can we?" Chifuyu whispered as he glared at the man walking out with a scowl on his face.

Apparently he was one of those people who could feel when people were staring at him and turned around to see the source. Chifuyu was quick enough to look away but he still noticed Mitsuya who was staring at the sky. "Oi! It's you again!" "Just ignore him, we need to avoid conflict. There's only so much my PR people can handle," Hakkai muttered and sighed when he heard the guy approaching.

"Can we help you?" Chifuyu was the first to completely ignore what Hakkai just said, though he didn't have a huge image to protect. "Yeah, ya friend over there ended up ruinin' my damn shirt. This is some of the finest cashmere there is!" "Stop lying you cheap bastard. If anyone knows what fine cashmere is, it's me and that ain't it." Mitsuya stood up and crossed his arms as he scowled at the man.

"Oh thank goodness, here's the Uber. Let's get a move on people." Hakkai stood up and watched Chifuyu get into his Uber and drive off before joining Mitsuya in the other car. "Hey there, I'm Baji and I'll be your Uber today! Is your destination still-" "What the hell, Baji?" Mitsuya snorted and tapped the driver on the shoulder. "Yup, that's..Mitsuya? Hakkai? Pause, what the fuck." Chifuyu's boyfriend tilted his head and his mouth was agape to display his confusion. "Yo, what time are you shutting down your Uber services? Chifuyu might be missing you." Hakkai asked and started to pull his phone out, preparing to text Chifuyu and warn him.

Layers ~MitsuyaxHakkai~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora