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Hero and Kwami idea is all originally @purplexpassion idea. Art is mine. Thank you @purplexpassion for allowing me to use your hero and kwami for this story.

2nd P.O.V

"I choose Inarii. I think she would be one of the best options for me to use when protecting the miraculous." You said with confidence laced in your voice.

"Hmm sounds good to me. Do you remember how to activate her powers and what they do?" Master Fu asked with a smile on his face.

"Yes, first to transform you must say 'Inarii spirit activate!' Her weapon is the paper lamp which is attached to a staff, you can remove it if you want. Her power is activated when you say 'Hitobosu' (purple told me it means ghost light), which causes a crystal to appear from the charm on the lamp. You can put that crystal into the lamp which summons a fox spirit that can possess or nullify your target." You smiled back at Master Fu, remember everything he told you about Inarii and her powers.

"Good good. It will be a very useful power against your enemies if you utilize it properly, and I think you definitely will." Master Fu said as he went over to the miraculous box and opened it. He carefully took out an ear cuff and handed it to you. You thanked him before carefully putting it on your left ear and when you finished it started to glow and Inarii came out.

"Hello, there priestess," Inarii said with a big smile on her face.

"Hello Inarii, would you be willing to help me protect the miraculous in the future?" You asked, smiling back at her.

"Of course, I would be honored. Thank you for choosing me." Inarii said and did a little bow.

"Good, then that is it for today's training. Head back home before it gets too late, don't want you getting into trouble." Master Fu said and you nodded. You went around and grabbed your things with Inarii following behind you. Once you had everything you opened a small pocket in your bag for Inarii to fly into.

"Goodbye Master Fu, see you after testing!" You said cheerfully before walking out of his little apartment. While walking out of the building you sent a text to Adrien telling him that you where heading home and would be there soon.


Once you finally made it back to the mansion Nathalie was there waiting for you with Adrien. You instantly knew that meant it was studying time and sighed out. Adrien could only laugh a little as you started slowly dragging yourself upstairs to the dinning room. You and Adrien sat next to each other and took out your homework along with all your class notes as Nathalie handed the two of you some papers.

"These are some sample questions that might be on your exams, please look over them carefully and answer the questions best to your abilities. Whichever questions you struggle with the most we will focus on the most." She said before taking a seat across from you and Adrien and started doing her own work. You and Adrien looked at each other with pity smiles before turning to your work and starting your 'practice test'.

The studying finally ended about two hours later, longer than either of you thought it would. You guys instantly had dinner right after as well. You were brain dead exhausted and Adrien was a little annoyed, but you promised to always tell Adrien how training with Master Fu went so the two of you headed to his room to talk.

"You're finally done!" Plagg flew out to greet the two of you as you guys walked in. "Anything for me?" He asked. You laughed a little as Adrien sighed and took out some cheese for him.

You smiled at the two before going to sit down on Adrien's bed while he went to sit next to you. You placed your bag on your lap and opened the pocket Inarii was hiding in.

"It's okay to come out now." You said and she nodded before flying out of your bag.

"Hello there, I am Inarii, the kwami of ghosts." Inarii said and did a bow to Adrien.

"Aw you're so cute! Does this mean you'll be fighting with Ladybug and myself?" Adrien asked a little excited.

"No it doesn't I'm sorry. It's best I stay in the shadows and not use Inarii unless the miraculous are in danger. So if you and ladybug are ever in any true danger I will definitely be there to help but other than that saving them day is up to the two of you." You said and watched as Adrien's smile turned into a pout.

"Alright I understand." He said disappointingly.

"You chose a good kwami as your partner. Her power would definitely become useful in a tight spot." Plagg said as he flew closer to Inarii. "Glad to see you Inarii, hope we can work well together. I'll be sure to show you the ropes around here." He said and she nodded in agreement.

"Well I'm glad your training is going well. You'll become a full fledged guardian soon then." Adrien said as he watched Plagg and Inarii.

"I'm nervous about it, it's a big responsibility. I really hope I will do a good job." You said as you stared down at your feet.

"You'll make an amazing guardian, I know you will." Adrien gently took ahold of one of your hands and gave it a gentle reassuring squeeze.

"Thank you Adrien," You gave him a soft smile.

The two of you talked for a few minutes longer before you decided it was time to go to bed. You walked with Inarii to your room and threw bag to a random spot. Inarii went to your bed while you quickly changed into more comfortable clothes and collapsed onto your bed next to Inarii.

"I'm so glad it's the weekend. I don't want to do anything tomorrow." You sighed as you crawled under your blanket and got comfortable.

"Well I'm sure you'll be able to have a free schedule once you get your duties out of the way first." Inarii said which caused you to groan.

"Yeah yeah I understand." You said before closing your eyes. "Goodnight." You said before drifting off to sleep.

Hey everyone, I know this chapter is short but I hope you will enjoy it. If you have noticed I added (slow updates) to the title. Im losing inspiration for the story and randomly get the urge to write for this particular story. I will never drop or discontinue the story but it will take a good long time for updates to come and I apologize for that.

On the other hand, I am writing some other fan fics that will be coming out soon. Not all of them will be x readers though.

I have three that will be published soon:
Pokémon Academy (Pokémon various x oc)
Tamaki's Fiancé (Tamaki Souh x Reader)
As Sweet as Honey (Honey x reader)

So if you're a fan of Pokémon or Ouran highschool host club please feel free to check them out. Those stories will be updated a lot more frequently than this one. I hope you guys will give them a chance and take a look at them while waiting for me to update this story. (Will likely be published in a few days, maybe Monday)

Thank you and have a lovely rest of your day/start of your day.

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