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No one's P.O.V

The next day you were still taking care of Adrien. His fever only went down a little but it was still too high for him to be able to go to school. You sat there next to him on his bed as you changed the towel on his forehead.

"I'll bring you back the homework you missed okay? You stay here and rest." You gave a soft smiled and he nodded smiling back a bit.

"Sorry for the trouble Y/N." He said before closing his eyes.

"It's not trouble at all. Just rest and get better okay?" You said before standing up but Adrien grabbed your arm and stopped you from leaving.

"T-there is one more thing..." He opened his eyes again and looked a little nervous.

You looked at him curiously watched him as he slowly sat up. He looked down at his hands before Plagg came flying over. They looked at each other and nodded before Adrien started to take off his ring.

"H-hey what are you doing!?" You started to panic a little.

"Well while you went to go change Plagg and I talked about it. If someone where to get akumatized while I was sick I wouldn't be able to help ladybug... and that would be bad. So we came up with the idea of you taking over until I felt better." Adrien said and grabbed your hand, placing the miraculous in it.

"B-but... I don't know if I can..." You looked at him worried.

"Please Y/N. I believe in you and so does Plagg. We wouldn't be asking this of you if we didn't think you were capable of this." Adrien have you a pleading look.

You sighed and nodded. Taking the ring and putting it on your left middle finger. Plagg cheered a bit and flew over to you.

"Glad to be working with you Y/N!" He smiled while you giggled.

"Thank you. Now rest Adrien okay?" You helped him lay back down and change the towel on his forehead again.

He smiled at you before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep. You looked over at Plagg who was sticking some cheese into your bag. You laughed a little, going over to take your bag. You placed the cheese in a special pocket and let Plagg stay in there too.

You walked out of the mansion and into the limo, heading off to school.

~Time Skip: Free period~

"Hey Y/N! Where is Adrien?" Alya turned to face you as well as Marinette and Nino.

"Oh he has a bad fever. The photographer yesterday didn't want to stop taking pictures and left Adrien in the rain." You sighed sadly and shook your head.

"What!? That unforgivable!!! He should be fired!!" Marinette yelled.

"Oh he is. After Mr.Agreste found out he went there in person and had a giant talking to with the photographer and his boss. In the end the guy got fired." You laughed a little remembering how upset and angry Mr.Agreste looked, especially when he came back home.

"Really? His old man went there in person!?" Nino asked with disbelief.

"He might be a hardass sometimes but he does care a lot about his family." You smiled.

Everyone else smiled as well and changed topics to something else. Throughout the rest of the day you guys just did your homework and laughed.

~Time Skip: School Ending~

You let out a soft sigh as you packed your stuff up into your bag.

'At least no one got akumatized durning school.' You though and smiled to yourself.

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