Chapter 12

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Stephen Drake placed a bandage on the young boy's leg. "Go easy on it, okay?" he smiled, patting the young wizard's head. His witch mother smiled back warmly. "God bless you Good Doctor" she said. "God bless you, good woman" he smiled back.  The pair exited his office as the titular duo entered. "Detective, how are you? Anything else you want to question me about?" he said cheerfully. The detective closed the door behind him and Mary closed the curtains. 

The doctor raised an eyebrow as James had eye contact with him.  "What are your nightly activities?" he abruptly asked.  "What?" "You heard him doctor, are you married?" "To my work, what..." "Visit a brothel? Tend to some child? What? Are you now a personal doctor to the late count's wife. Some honor I'd say?" he smirked.  "I don't?...What time is it?" he looked at the two. "Question time. Now answer the bloody question...well questions" he narrowed his gaze at the doctor.

 Stephen sighed in defeat.  "I go to my home, past some brothels. Ignoring the dollymops who call out to me and then I enter my house, have some warm soup, a bath, a minimum of seven hours rest and then I'm up by dawn" He told the two. The duo looked at each other then got up to leave. "Thanks for your time doctor" Mary said. The door closed and Stephen let out a breath. "Well that just happened" he muttered. "Indeed" spoke a soft voice. He turned to see Ann standing his in doorway. "Are you alright doctor?' she tipped her head slightly. He chuckled and walked up to the young woman. "Ann, I'm fine. Thank you for your genuine concern" he smiled sweetly. She smiled back. "In that case, Doctor. I made some cake. Hope you like" she said, offering the treat. "Thank you so much Ann, I always had a sweet tooth" he grinned, taking it greedily. 

He stuffed the cake in his mouth. The young girl giggled as the man stuffed his face with cake. "Good Doctor" she snickered. "Stephen" "Huh?" "My name is Stephen Drake but you can call me Stephen" he grinned at her. "Oh! Well then Stephen, I'm glad you enjoyed the cake". The good doctor smiled back. "So, I think I'm going to go tend to some patients" she pointed out the door. "Oh yes, go on. Ann" "Anastasia Ferris" "Hm?" "My name is Anastasia Ferris but you can call me Anastasia" she blushed. The doctor laughed heartily. 

"Very well then, Anastasia" he said, kissing her hand. The girl's face reddened and she hastily left his office. As she hurriedly walked down the hallway, she was pulled aside suddenly by someone. "Shh!" shhed a voice.  "Nicole?' she said confusedly. "Listen, I want you to stay far away from the doctor" she hissed at the lovesick girl. "Not you too. Let me guess, he's yours?" "Yes! He and I are married!". The girl's face saddened at the news. "You and him..." "Yes" "Oh, I'm sorry for almost ruining your marriage" she bowed her head. "Good" said the assistant. "Now go do your duties" she said, shoving the girl into the hallway. She sighed, her shoulders slumped. She then walked down the hallway sadder then usual.


A she-werewolf peered out into the darkness as she adjust her corset again on her way home. All night she had awaited snobby men to come spend the night with her. No one had arrived though. As she walked down the streets, she swore she saw someone standing in the fog. She dismissed it as as a trick on her eyes and continued. Some time later, she saw the figure again. She began to quicken her pace. The figure quicken his pace. She was breathing heavily as was the figure. She soon found herself running down the streets. She looked back to see the figure gone. Not checking her momentum, she crashed into a hard object. She glanced up to see to her horror, the masked figure.  

He looked down at her and said, "My dear, it's time for your checkup". She backed slowly away from him. "I'm actually a clear bill of health" she smiled nervously. The female werewolf bumped into another figure, this one more of feminine. "The Good Doctor insists" she said. "Back off freaks or..." "You haven't transformed since you took that deplorable job. Don't try to threaten me with it. Werewolf? Ha! More like Werejoke" he said as him and Charlie approached the young woman. "Alright you asked for it!" she exclaimed. Power flowed through her veins as she began to transform.  Slowly but surely, she took on a wolf-like form, a terrifying howl escaped her lips which now was a wolf's snout. 

Soon enough, she was towering the doctor and his helper. Charlie gasped and hid behind him while he didn't waver.  The she-werewolf charged at him but suddenly stopped, howling in pain and holding her head. "She hasn't transformed in years. Naturally, her body would need to adjust. Not to mention, the meat I've thrown out to her that she has been feasting on.  Embrewed with your magic. Now let's bring the darling over for dinner shall we?" He looked at his companion who nodded. Approaching the howling, crying she-werewolf, she raised her club. "Good night, whore" the club connecting to the back of her head. The she werewolf fell to the dirt.


The she-werewolf awakened, strapped down. The doctor, wearing an apron approached her. "This is going to hurt, a lot. Too bad I don't have any anesthetic" he mockingly apologized.  "Dear?" He looked to his companion who walked up close to the she-werewolf. "I'm going to enjoy this.  You monsters will pay for what you took from me, from us! My treasure! My dear boy" she said, before breaking down into tears. "Wha? I have nothing to do with your and stupid boy! Let me go!" she said, regaining consciousness. "No! You will pay till we find the one responsible. Honey?" She said, handing him the knife. "My pleasure" He said, raising the knife. "No...No...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" She screamed. The knife was brought down upon her. Then silence. 

AN: Thanks for reading this chapter. Notice that Charlie is more talkative them normal. Hmm? I wonder... Write that down in your sleuth pads and I'll pump out another chapter soon. 

DOCTOR DEATHTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon