Chapter 10

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"Are you people nuts?" screamed Edward at the two adults in his office. "The wife of that man said that she'll sue us if shenanigans like this were to happen again!" he said, slamming his hands on his desk. Mary jolted at the sound but James barely did. "Oh please Bessie, you sound like my mother" he commented, pulling out his cigar. "To my knowledge James, you don't have one" Edward spat. The detective stopped lighting his cigar for a moment before successfully lighting it and placing the lighter back in his pocket. He then lunged for ward and grabbed Edward by the collar. "Louise is my mother, Edward. So watch your tongue" he said venomously. he shoved his best friend back and sat back down on his chair. 

Mary let out a breath she didn't realize holding in. "Anyway, we were just questioning the suspect" James defended himself. "Stephen Drake isn't a suspect" Edward gritted. "Since when?" He answered softly. "A doctor can't behind this, he's too pure. He's done so much good for this town, your town, many towns. Why do insist on bringing down people doing good deeds!" He yelled at his friend. "Maybe because I like to but I don't care how good your record was, you're a bloody suspect in my eyes" he answered back, getting up into his friend's face.  

The two men had a face off which strangely enough made Mary very awkward. "Um, honestly chief, this is my fault. I should've said no but I did not. I..." "Mary Lowell, shut up!" Both men said at once. The proud woman immediately clamped her mouth shut. The two man continued their glaring process, some could swear sparks of electricity flashed as they gazed at each other angerly.  "You know, I remember now why I retired. You haven't changed a bit, Bessie" he said angerly. "Are you going to leave like last time, James?" Mocked Edward. 

The detective sat down again.  "Are you going to mither me again Edward?". The older man snarled at the sly man. "Your answer's mine answer" he puffed out. "Well, did you get anything beside nearly killing someone" he glanced at Mary. "Our Good Doctor was apparently a personal doctor to our dearly departed count" he revealed. 

Edward's interest was peaked. "And he saw a woman enter the house with the count  before he left" Mary added. "So if you don't mind, I'm going to check the house for evidence" he went for the door. "Good luck, James" muttered Edward. "Why?" the detective's ears picking up the whispered wish.  "His wife's not the housewife type" he said. "It's fine, I'm good with women. You know that". Mary gave him a look which he ignored and the two left for the huge mansion.


The two knocked on the door of the huge castle.  "Yes? Who's there?" A servant asked. "Police, we want to question the widow of the late master of this house.  Is she here?" He said. The servant sighed and let them in. 

The two entered the house and were told to wait in the living room. Shortly, the countess came downstairs. "Ah, hello~" He purred. Mary sighed in defeat. The countess walked up to him. "My lady, I'm James Steward and this Mary Lowell. We are here to ask- ooh!" he said as a hand connected to his cheek. Mary withheld her giggle and a 'serve you right for harassment'.  "Get the blazes out!" she ordered. He rubbed his cheek. "How". "Then you will pay" She raised her hand but he snatched her wrist. "You fiend, let go of me this instant!" he said. 

His face darkened and a smile crept across his face. He then pulled her close, snaking his arm around her hips and whispering something in her ear. Whatever it was scared the countess as she tumbled back to his couch.  "Ready to cooperate, dearie?" he said. She fervently nodded her head. 

"I was angry that my husband spent more time with those wretched humans then me.  That night, he brought this woman in. She had long flowing brown hair and bright blue eyes that sparkled like stars. Immediately, I told my husband no but he insisted. We started having an argument when he told me to get out, in his own words "You mewling quim".  Offended, I left, screaming at him to die. Next thing I know, he's dead" The countess broke down in tears. "Despite our differences, I truly loved him" She then wiped her tears away. "And I know for a fact it was that woman. She gave me a terrible feeling of death" She added. Mary sat down next to the countess. "How'd you know that?" She questioned her. She took in a breath. "She had the blood of a butcher's wife"

AN: Hope you enjoy this chapter and tell me what you think. I hate cliffhangers. First and last II do so. Piece together the puzzles, my little sleuths (Or something like that. I'm stupid😅😆)

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