Chapter 5

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That's Mary. What she looks like anyway. In this moment, she's in uniform

Heels clamored as she approached the Chief of Police's office. A fair skinned woman dressed collared shirt covered by a blue jacket, a long skirt, a round hat on her head and white gloves with heeled shoes on her feet burst through the door. 

"Edward!" she yelled. He sighed and rubbed his nose bridge in frustration as she placed her hands on her hips. "What do you want, Mary?" he wearily asked. "Don't give me that, Chief!" she snarled, slamming her hands on the table. "I and my squad have this entire situation under control. Now I learn that of all people you hire...him?!" she yelled. "Lord almighty, with that voice you will raise the dead" came a snide reply. Mary smiled to herself and turned around to face the speaker.  "Well, if isn't  Mr. Crossdresser" she said. 

He smirked and entered the room. "Yeah. With those heels, no wonder you're single" he pulled out his cigar and lit it. She smiled again and countered, "Yes, as I recall you had to cross-dressed to lure a sex offender to bed so he can be apprehended. And you want to point out I'm single" she side glanced him. "Can we please calm down?" begged the chief. "Oh I'm calm" the detective smoothly said, "It's her who needs to calm down. She acts like a lunatic" he commented. She reached for a weapon but Edward motioned her to not to. She reluctantly removed her hand from her revolver. James sauntered over to the table, giving the woman a look and sat down.  

Edward sighed and took a sip from glass filled with whiskey. "Listen, you two can kill each other after the case is solved" he glanced at both before continuing. "As you both properly know, bodies have been piling up and so have funerals." "I know that. I just want to you why is he here?" she pointed at the detective who pouted in mock anger.  "Because so far, you haven't gotten anything substantial. The suspect you did apprehend was a mail man, who haven't seen a body!" he glared, causing her head to bow.  "Oh oh, someone angered the Chief" the detective joked, in a child's voice. "I'll show you who's angry!" she responded drawing her gun and pointing it at his forehead. "I hope you can explain to my dearly beloved sister why I won't be returning home for dinner. Be warmed, she has a nasty temper" he said confidently.

 She glanced at Edward who shook his head. With a frustrated sigh, she placed her gun back its holster. James got up after the motion and said chirpily, "Alrighty then, let's get moving. Oh by the way, Ms. Lowell do you suffer from menopause?". The hardened woman's eyes widened. "No and how do you know my name?' she asked. The detective smirked and leaned in, "Because I read and are you sure? You seem a little crazy if you know what I mean". The police woman glared at him, balling her fists as he sauntered out the door. Giving a glare at to the Chief of Police, she followed him out.


The trio walked around the streets of Manchester, England, questioning people from the slums to the well do. Everyone they questioned said the same thing: I don't know anything. James reviewed all the potential suspects in a folder as the trio walked down the streets. He flipped through all of them, smoking his cigar. "This guy looks suspicious" he commented on a short stoat fellow. "That's what Officer Lowell thought so too" Edward glared, making the woman pout. "Well, no wonder. We're looking in the wrong places.  We need the least likely prospect" he explained to his companions. Mary quirked an eyebrow. "How do you find the least likely prospect?". "I know it when I see it" he replied. 

Suddenly, a man bumped into the detective, catching him off balance. Before the detective fell, he caught the stranger's face. He appeared to be in his twenties, late thirties.  Just as he almost crashed into the pavement, the man caught him by the arm. "Pardon me, sir" he said, helping him up. The older man chuckled. "Look like my spry days are up" he gave the man a look. "Despite my better judgement, I must have you checked up. Just in case you are hurt. Though I'm in a hurry, a few minutes won't hurt right?' he smiled. James looked at his companions, the mouths agape in shock and surprise. "What'd I tell ya?" he quirked his eyebrow.

AN: I know, this is stupid. I hope I didn't ruin this book with pictures. Don't get used to it, this will be the only time you do see pictures. Mwahahahaha! I'm so evil, not.  Also in the Victorian era, physicians believed that the ovaries were connected to the brain so if a woman had menopause, she needed to be locked away in an asylum. 

That's the outfit she wears:

That's the outfit she wears:

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