Chapter 6

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"No major damages. You'll be alright" the good doctor said, after the checkup. The detective gave the young man a smile. "Thanks, Mr..." "Drake. Stephen Drake" he replied, washing his hands in a basin. "Ah, the good doctor" he said. "Stephen Drake, I'm James Steward and this is Edward Cromwell, Chief of Police and this is Mary Lowell, a church bell" he said, slyly. She shot him a glance in return. "How do you know my name?" the doctor quirked an eyebrow. "He knows everyone's name but he can't tell you about his career or lack thereof" she smirked. "At least I had a career. My reputation proceeds me. You ask about me, people will list a thousand things. Then ask about you, they're like 'who?'" he replied.  She glowered at him and crossed her arms in defeat.  "Well then, I hope I'm not in trouble" the doctor said. 

Edward stepped forward. "Quite the contrary, Dr. Drake. We were just doing a little questioning when you bumped into James here" he pointed. "I'd wished you had let him fall. Probably would have killed him" Mary remarked. "I'm thirty-three not seventy-six. Besides, you have more chances of dying then I do. During the interrogations, I was scared you might faint from your corset and hit your head" she growled at him as he smirked. The doctor chuckled. 

"Well, Mr. Steward, you're right. Your reputation does proceed you. Everyone in England knows of your... uncanny agility of solving cases with nothing more but a spoon and a rope. Although I thought you went into retirement" he approached the detective slowly, now standing close to him. "But I guess when you heard about the murders in Manchester, you couldn't help yourself. I didn't think you were a Manc though. " he said. 

James looked straight at the doctor. "I have a confession to make. I know all your exploits. At the age of four, you had an interest in medicine. At age ten, you treated everyone sick person in your village which was afflicted with an unknown disease and at age twenty, you saved the life of our majesty the queen. I believe both our reputations proceed us Dr. Drake, especially yours. Thanks to your good works, you've been known as The Good Doctor" he pointed out. 

Stephen smirked. "Sir, you flatter me. Really, you do. I didn't think you know me so well" he said. "Let's just say, it's a power of mine" he responded. The doctor smirked. "The name fell from the lips of a grateful new fairy mother.  I liked it and I kept it. Now everyone knows that name. Now everyone says it with respect and gratitude" he looked the detective in the eye. "And yet, many of my patients are mysteriously dying" He commented. "Do you know who's the villain behind it?" Lowell questioned. "No. All I know, he has a deep hatred for supernaturals as they're the only one he kills". 

James gave him a glance.  "Emma Jones was not a supernatural. She was an elderly woman who was unjustly killed. I know, she raised me as a matter of fact" he said seriously. The doctor had a look of pity as he placed a hand on the detective's shoulder.  "I'm sorry" he said. James gave the doctor a grateful look. "Point is, if you have an info, call us" the detective chirped  up.  The good doctor nodded. "Of course" "Well then, let's get going, shall we?' he said as the trio was escorted out by the doctor. 

As they went down the corridor, the trio ran into a young succubus. "Oh my god. Doctor! Are you in trouble?", the statement making the doctor burst out in laughter. "No, Nicole. Detective, this my assistant Nicole" he introduced the succubus. "How do you, Ms. Moor" bowed the detective. Nicole gave him a suspicious look which James picked up on. "Doctor, I came to tell you a patient came in. She said she had sever pains in her side which has spread to her body and now she can't feel her legs" she said hastily. "My god. Well gentlemen and lady,  I must go. Someone needs me, urgently" he pointed out. 

The detective waved him off. "We were going anyway". With that, the doctor raced off. Nicole crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at the trio. "Well? Be off! The sight of officers are concerning. You're scaring the patients now begone!" he said, pushing them out the door. "Huh? Of all the places in the world to see a succubus, I didn't expect a hospital.  I bet you get many benefits from you position" he said. The comment enraged the succubus, who shoved them out of the hospital. "Don't come back, especially inappropriate mouth over there!" she barked, slamming the door. 

The three dusted off their attire with Mary quickly turning on the detective.  "Great job, detective. Now we've been banned for life. You just had to get offensive and of all the times..." she was suddenly hushed by the detective. She looked at him like she had a stroke. Composing her self, she snarled, "Don't you hush me...". "Shh! I have a feeling about that little thing... well that'd be rude. Her breasts were...never mind that.  I believe we're on the right track. You'll have our man soo enough, I promise you" she said ominously, bewildering his companions. Katherine, who had witnessed everything, looked at Nicole a quizzingly look. "What was that all about?" she asked the succubus. 

The demoness glared at Katherine. "None of your superficial concern" she snared  turning on her heels and strides away.  "None of my superficial concern? Ugh! Stupid girl! Her position's getting to her head!" "Remind me of someone I unfortunately know. Hmm? I wonder you that could be?" teased Elizabeth. Katherine gave the girl a look of contempt.  "Very funny, girl. Perhaps you should be a comedian" she snarkily relied.  The nurse pondered for a moment. "I suppose so. Thanks Katherine" she said in gratitude.  

Katherine waved the girl off and walked away too. Ann and her friend gave each other looks of confusion. "I hope the doctor is innocent, he's too kind to be so cruel" she said wishfully. Her friend shrugged. "It depends on the evidence" she reminded her. Ann nodded and replied, "And yet, I would do anything for him. I would even die for him". Her friend shook her head. "Those are powerful words. use them sparingly" she warned. Ann nodded and went off to do her duties. 


A young woman ran as she seemed to fleeing from someone. The woman ran until she turned into an alley. "Now, now" said an eerily voice. It sounded like someone talking in a gas mask. The woman whirled around to see the man she was running form standing before her. He wore a black drop shoulder trench coat worn on his shoulders. A white collared shirt, black gloves, black pants, black boots and a plague doctor mask with red lens. He appeared to have wavy short hair and craned his neck to the side. "It's time for your checkup" he said as he approached the woman. "Stay the hell away from me!" she hissed as she shot a magical blast at her opponent. 

The detective dodged the attack with ease and looked down at the woman who was imitated by him especially his height. He towered over her. "Witch, you are worker for the devil. A practitioner of magic. I despise creatures like you!" he monologued, trapping the woman by the wall. "And yet, I will give you a chance to live.  You can please me and I might let you live. Knowing your kind, you'll do anything to live" he snarled. The woman narrowed her eyes in disgust. "Damn you!" she said. 

She then hit him with a another magical blast and ran off as he fell on the ground, moaning in pain. She ran but she soon stopped, her eyes widening as the man stood before her again. "You honestly thought that magic trick was going to work on me. Think again" he snarled.

 She cowered in the streets, fear on her face. "Please. Don't do this, sir. I'm an innocent soul" she begged. He chuckled darkly. "Sure, try that with another weak man. You are no innocent soul, your evil dies with you" he said. She turned on her heels to run but a hand covered her mouth, a handkerchief muffling her screams. Suddenly she felt drowsy and soon lost consciousness. 

When she awakened, she found herself strapped down on an operating table. "My dear, you have awakened" came the eerie voice.  She tried to move but was unfortunately properly secured. The man towered over her, wearing an apron and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. His coat was missing. "Charlie, it's time for the operation. Spatula" he said to his assistant. She was dressed in a similar mask but was much more fancier. It was black with the tip made of bronze. She looked down at the victim, breathing heavily. "Please" the witch begged.

 Charlie made no response. Instead she approached the tray and picked the spatula and gave it her acquittance. He then looked down at his victim was gagged by Charlie. "I'd use anesthetic but you look strong.  Better pray to whatever deity you believe in that  this ends quickly.  Hopefully, you last longer that victim no. 62" he casually said. 

The witch's eyes widened as he started to cut her chest cavity open. It was at that moment she realized she was naked. She could only squirm as the doctor operated on her. No one heard her screams or cries. She's another victim of the dreaded Doctor Death.

AN: Hope you enjoy. Also who do you think Dr. Death and Charlie are. Let's ee how many sleuths are in my audience. Put down you suspicions in the comments below. Thanks for reading this chapter. Tally-ho onward and yonward (get the reference. Fine, it's Nature Cat.) 

DOCTOR DEATHDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora