Luckily, Nathan growls.

"Nathan! I- I'm gonna call someone! Stay- stay awake for me, okay?" Hectically she searches for her hand bag. It lays right to her feet. She takes it and searches for her phone. As she takes it out, she sees that the phone is broken. "God damned!" In frustration, she throws it out of the as well broken window next to her.

"It's gonna hurt, Nathan, but I have to reach into your back pocket to get your phone, okay?"

Nathan growls again as a response.

Athena puts her hand on Nathan's right shoulder and pushes against it so his weight wouldn't be on this side of his butt anymore. Nathan moans in pain. "Im so sorry!", she says, reaches into the pocket and takes out his phone. Then she softly lets go of the pressure against his shoulder so he sits back down on both sides of his butt.

Athena looks at Nathan's phone. It's fine. She breathes out in relief. "Yes!" She dials '110'. Nothing. She looks back on the display: No signal.

"No no no no no no! Fuck!" Athena panics. She puts her hands in her hair and pulls on them. "That- that can't be happening!"

"A- A- Athena.", sounds Nathan's voice next to her.

"Nathan! Don't say anything. You need this strength to stay awake."

"I- I love you." After that, the smiling man breathes out one more time. Memories of his past appear in front his eyes:

■38 Years Ago■

"Be careful, boys!", the mother of the 12 years old Nathan and Bradley shouts after them as they're running up that hill behind their house.

"I'm gonna be there first!", Nathan says already out of breath.

"Never!", Bradley says and starts running faster than his twin brother.

Nathan runs as fast as he can, but isn't able to keep up with Bradley. When Nathan arrives, Bradley stands there with his fists resting on his hips smirking. "That's unfair. You have longer legs!", Nathan complains.

"You wanted to make it a race, not me."

On top of the hill is a big apple tree. It's older than they both could even imagine. It has branches, which look like they could touch the sky. The tribe is so big, that Nathan and Bradley aren't able to hug it together and their hands wouldn't touch.

"I bet I can climb higher than you!", Nathan now says when he starts to breath normal again. He reaches out his hand to Bradley.

"You know that I'm stronger than you, Thanos. You gonna loose!", Bradley says amused, shakes Nathan's hand and claps his hand together afterwards. "I'm gonna start here. You can start there.", he says and points to two good spots.

"Okay. On three! One.. two.. three!" Both start to climb the tree as fast as they can. But after two meters, Nathan gets scared. "Brad! I want to get down!", he says and tears appear in his eyes.

Bradley looks down to his brother. "Stay there. I'm gonna help you." He climbs down and then stands right under his twin brother. "Just let loose. I'm gonna catch you!"

Nathan nods and let go of the branches he's holding. He fells down right on Bradley. As he does, Bradley looses his balance and they both start to roll down the hill.

"Ouch!", Bradley says and holds his cheek. He looks at his hand. There's blood.

"Oh no, you're bleeding!", Nathan says.

"It's okay, brother. If it becomes a scar, it will always remember me of the day I rescued you from that tree."

■33 Years Ago■

He's Her Business | Jeffrey Dean Morgan ✔️Where stories live. Discover now