Chapter 2 - Putting A Theory To The Test (Luka/Viperion)

Depuis le début

C'mon Ladybug, I can't keep seeing this, free me! "You're pathetic! Thinking I would ever date you? Were you dropped on your head as a kid? That's some severe brain damage you got there." This is getting worse.

I was ready for her to hit me more, but nothing happened. I opened my eyes to see... Chat Noir protecting me. I wasn't rejected by him yet... This proves I've developed feelings for him! I am gay! I've never been so glad to be gay in my entire life.

Chat turned towards me, "She's gone, you can wake up now." He whispered, leaning closer to me. Is he going to..? His hands were on my shoulders, I closed my eyes... Waiting for him to... My body began to shake rapidly. "Wake up!!!" He shouted, I jumped up, I was in the normal world again.

"Did you beat her?" Ladybug nodded. "Yeah, you just weren't waking up so this idiot decided to shake you awake and shout in your face." Ladybug sent the boy a death glare and he held up his hands in surrender.

"Hey, it worked didn't it?" He said in his defense, Ladybug only rolled her eyes and helped me up. "What did you see?" How should I explain it? I'll tell the truth, I'll just leave out the part when Chat almost kissed me.

"Well, I showed up in a white space, then my former crush showed up, this time she didn't reject me in the nicest way possible, she rejected me in the worst way possible, even pushing me to the floor, I thought I was a goner until..." I trailed off. I'm going to have some fun with this. "You could say he was like my knight in shining black leather." All eyes were on Chat Noir.

"Me? How did I get there and what exactly did I do?" I shrugged, "You saved me, then you shouted 'wake up' in my face and shook me rapidly, then I woke up to see all of you, that's it." I didn't lie, I just left out the most embarrassing details. He was like half an inch away from kissing me.

I looked away to hide my blushing face, my blue mask wouldn't hide the red blush.


"It's official Jules, I'm in love with him." My sister looked at me with a concerned look. "Chat Noir? The flirty, horrible cat-pun making Superhero? How did that even happen?" She asked. Think, think, think. "He saved me once. It just sort of happened." Lying to my sister was probably the worst thing I could do, she means the world to me.

"He's a Superhero, you're a normal citizen, how are you supposed to make it work?"

I'll just make him fall in love with Viperion.

I wanted to say, but it would reveal my identity. Hey, that's not a bad idea, if I get him to fall in love with Viperion, who is me, it would work. "I'll find a way..." I told her, she rolls her eyes.

"Just do it quickly, and don't you dare write a song about it and play it in the middle of the night, I don't get any sleep because of it." She complains, leaving my room. I wish she was like this at School, confident and sarcastic.

Sass comes out. "And how exactly do you plan on making Chat Noir fall in love with your alter-ego? It's not going to be easy." He states, being as wise as usual. "Maybe if I save him like he saved me." I said, looking up and thinking about a certain blonde in a black leather cat suit. He has green cat like eyes and his belt is his tail, even his ears are adorable.

The image of him moves and winks at me, my face heats up and I go fully red. "You really are smitten for that kitten." Sass says. I raise my eyebrow. "Did you just make a cat-pun?" Sass smiles, proud of himself. "I do have a sense of humor if you must know." Sass informed me, I smiled at him.

"It wasn't bad. Chats are much worse." I said honestly. I fall on my bed, "Goodnight Sass." I said, as my eyelids went heavy. "Goodnight, Luka." Sass says, I fall asleep.

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