Chapter 8: He fell.

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Look! I'm #3 in frenemiestolovers, #4 in gaybestfriend, #5 in godmother, #13 in airship, #21 in airship, #90 in clean, #314 in fantasyjourney, #399 in wizard, and #855 in youngadult! I'm trending! Anyways, on with the story...


As soon as we were back on the boat we set the engine going and took off speeding over the Sapphire Seas. Pretty fast the other ship was out of sight. 

"D'you think we could slow down?" Iroh asked queasily. 

"Oh, no, don't slow down!" Xavier grinned from the bows. "This is fantastic!" 

"Except I think Iroh is gonna throw up." Claire called from down under. 

"How would you know your down there and I'm up here." Iroh asked before throwing his head over the side and vomiting down the side of the EVYS. "Sorry" He moaned weakly.

"It's ok. Just remember to breathe." I called to him. "XAVIER! Get down!" He had climbed up on the rails and put his arms out.

"No way hosay! I'm flying!" He yelled into the wind.

Suddenly he lost his balance and... Fell over the rail in to the sea.


"WHAT WHEEL?" Claire yelled as she jumped up the stairs and grabbed the rudder.

I ran to the side, "I can't see him!" I yelled, then a little while away I heard a faint:

"ANGEL!" Followed by spluttering.

I hurried to the back of the stern and saw him. "XAVIER!" I grabbed the life jackets and the blow up float, tying the float to the boat I pulled the pin and threw it over. Sending a quick prayer to Lydian, I pulled on a jacket and lept.

It was as if I were falling in slow motion. The float didn't seem to get any closer, and Xavier seemed to get further away. 'Please, Please, Please, Don't let him die!' I prayed.

Suddenly I hit the float. Everything slowed for a second before I crawled to the edge. I quickly ignored my panicked breathing, and tied another rope to the jacket and threw it to Xavier.

I missed.

Pulling it back again, i tried again.

I missed.

"FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" I bellowed I threw it as hard as i could.

He caught it.

"Oh thank Lydian!" I whispered as I pulled Xavier on to the float. Pulling him into a tight hug I lay there. My head spun and I kept tight hold on him.

"Uh, Angel?" He whispered. 

"Shut up you idiot." 

Whao, short one today.

Angel & Xavier Vol1: The call of Evys.✔️Where stories live. Discover now