Vol. 5: Chapter 7.2 - No Time for Breaks

Depuis le début

"That's why harsher rules regarding expulsion were put in place, right? But, well, even if that was the case, preventing those expulsions is also a test of ability for each competent student. Pitting those students against each other was the core idea of the system, that's why each class, despite having different labels, may find themselves on an equal footing more often than not."

If Class A was really composed of all the Class A-esque students, then competition would be essentially pointless. And of course, competence is still a broad word. If the school really wanted competent students to compete, then finding 160 of them would be easy if they were searching for candidates all over the country. It wouldn't make sense for them to admit students like Yamauchi,  who is generally incompetent in every sense of the word, or Ueno, who couldn't care less about the class competitions-- no offense to them. In other words, this school was more than just a meritocratic team battle.

"So you've understood this much in such a short time."

"It is true that I know more than what an average student should know. But in terms of understanding how this school's system works, I'm still pretty much ignorant."

"Hmm..." Horikita Manabu seemed to have doubts, but he decided to set them aside temporarily. "I'll take your word for it in the meantime. For now, we should continue with the matter at hand." 

"That would be great."

"From what I've discovered, Nagumo wants to strip the school of what he considers as unnecessary policies. He wants students to be punished and rewarded based on their value. In other words, everyone will be ruled under meritocracy in a much purer, more straightforward sense of the word."

Those who don't have the abilities will fall, and those with talent will be forced to play. That's what this man had told me back then.

"Alright. I get what kind of president Nagumo will be. But before I decide, I also want to know the kind of person he is."

"The kind of person Nagumo is, huh?" He thought for a bit before giving an answer. "His abilities are excellent. Whether it's academics, athletics, or social ability, Nagumo is pretty much unrivaled in his year. Of course, some of his peers might surpass him in one or two aspects, but none of them have tried to oppose him openly."

"That's quite the high praise, but I guess it makes sense. What about his personality then?"

"Nagumo likes to compete, but as you'd guess, he doesn't use the conventional method too often."

"You don't have to sugarcoat it. Just say that he uses underhanded tactics to get ahead. That's what we've been dealing with in Ryuuen, anyway."

"I suppose that's true. However, one thing I can say about Nagumo is that he always keeps his word. Or at least, that's how it's always been ever since he started challenging me."

"That's quite reassuring then," I shrugged before making a slight change in tone. "After everything that you've said, I still can't understand why you want me to stop him. Objectively speaking, his plans aren't that bad. It does suck that my peaceful life might be put in jeopardy, but without that bias, I don't actually mind letting him do what he wants."

"It's honestly not a plan that I'm personally against, but his methods will be fatal for many students. A lot of baseless expulsions are waiting not just for those who are weak, but for those who oppose him. I don't doubt his abilities as a leader, but his arrogance makes him a tyrant. A large number of innocent students had already been expelled just because they opposed Nagumo. It didn't matter how small the issue was."

So that's how it is. A desperate move to protect...

"In other words, you want me to stop a corrupt dictator in the making. Alright, I understand. I now have a general idea of who Nagumo Miyabi is, so I think that's enough information about him. Given your difference in grade, I doubt you'd be too familiar with his daily schedule or group of friends, so I'll do something about that on my own. For that, I want to know the bounds of what I'm allowed to do."

"You're using Suzune as a front right now, correct? You can keep using her as much as you want. I'm also allowing you to mobilize the third-years if needed."

"Oh, now that's one big favor."

"That's just how dangerous of an opponent Nagumo is. However, I am placing one condition. Any of your moves must not disrupt the competition between us third-years. I won't allow you to get involved in our matters."

"So I don't need to try and help you, even as thanks? That's really generous of you."

"I'm the one who sought your help, anyway. This much is nothing."

I initially intended to end our negotiation by using that exact argument as leverage, but he perfectly prevented me from doing so by pre-emptively offering the most ideal compensation. This guy really doesn't cut any corners.

"Alright, I'll make my move when I feel like doing so. Talking for much longer might put our positions in danger."

"I'm also in my room right now. If I used my personal number, then it might've been a bit risky, but this dummy number allows me to have a lengthy conversation with you. There's nothing to worry about."

He was usually the type to discuss things like this in person, but the opponent was someone who was too involved with him. The president knew that he couldn't disclose anything without running the risk of my existence getting noticed by Nagumo.

"I understand. I'll take care of Nagumo. And for my approach, I'll play with him from behind the curtains."

"Yes. I knew this would be a good time. After all, you've resigned yourself from the class competitions among your grade."

"Yep, but it won't be for long. In the near future, the class would need my assistance again."

"Is that so? Well, you can always put matters involving Nagumo down your priority list. It's enough that you've acknowledged this request of mine. Goodbye."

Without giving me the chance to reply, the president abruptly ended the call. That's when I noticed something strange about my notifications.


"I haven't even sighed yet..." My phone rang with a familiar caller ID. "Well at least, it's not an unknown number."


"What's up Horikita? You've called me a bunch of times now. Sorry about that."

10 missed calls-- That's a lot, especially if I consider that it's Horikita.

"I knew you were on a different call, but it was urgent, so I decided to not wait. Are you free tomorrow?"

"Are you perhaps asking me out on a date, Horikita-san?" I replied, slightly imitating the great Professor.

"What? Stop joking around. It's Ryuuen-kun. He has finally decided to make contact."

Speak of the devil. Welp, it was only a matter of time, anyway.

"I see. Ryuuen, huh? Alright, I'll go with you."

"Okay. Is there anything we need to prepare for?" she asked in a slightly worried tone.

"That kind of thing is up to you. I'm just here to follow your instructions. Don't forget, Horikita. You're the leader now, not me."

She paused for a moment before regaining her composure.

"Hmm... You're right, my bad. Let me think about this for a bit. I'll call you again if anything comes up."



Once again, the call was abruptly ended before I could say anything. Those siblings... I wonder if this kind of thing runs in their family...?

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