our rollercoaster ride // aug. 16th, 2022

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all the carousels to see
it was a perfect day
we cuddled, we kissed
the first close day in ages

the trust i gave into your bare hands
by overcoming my fears just for you
the pain, the fun and the laughter
riding with you in a rollercoaster

it was my best day, if i am honest
and made me fall for you like a fool
too foolish for you, you fell out
and i was just alone in the rollercoaster
overwhelming feelings and you're not there to balance them out
my fear of adrenaline has proven itself again
turning my best day into the worst memory

your colors turned so dull
i thought i could make them light up again
but i guess i was wrong
i guess i have always been a fool

i will never step a foot into an amusement park ever again

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