Chapter 20: Holding Out for a Hero

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Although Hank was clearly more skilled at navigating the uneven terrain, Ali had no problems in keeping up with the physical exertion. Years of show jumping had provided her with a solid cardio basis, and they only paused a few times to grab water from his backpack. Soon they'd stopped on a wide plateau that was high enough to give a great view of the park.

"Wow." Ali gazed over the surroundings after chugging half a bottle. "This is unreal."

Finishing his own drink, Hank wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "They don't call it Garden of the Gods for nothing," he said. Stepping behind her, he pointed to a large rock formation in the distance with one boulder perched precariously on top of another that—for all intents and purposes—shouldn't have been able to stand. "What do you think of that one?"

"That it makes me dizzy just looking at it," she admitted, taking an unplanned step backward and trying to focus on the impressive sight instead of the cavernous abyss below.

Stopping her from retreating any farther, he wrapped his arms around her torso. "You really have a fear of heights?" he asked.

Ali nodded. "Yup. I can't explain it and there's no reason behind it, I just get this feeling like I'm about to plummet to my death any time I'm more than a few feet off the ground."

"You were fine on the giant swings," he recalled, still holding her close.

"Aha. But I didn't look down. Otherwise it would have been game over." She laughed, attempting to turn around, but Hank kept a tight grip.

"So that's your secret," he whispered into her ear before kissing the smooth skin below.

Ali's posture relaxed and she let herself give in. She closed her eyes and tilted her head to give him better access to the rest of her neck. He gave a soft grumble as if to thank her for the assistance and carried on. Only when his lips had traveled all the way to her collarbone did he pause, but just long enough to scoop her up into his arms.

"Oh!" Ali exclaimed in surprise, wrapping her hands around his neck as her feet left the ground.

Squinting in the bright sunlight, Hank smiled down on her. "Don't worry. I won't let you fall," he said hoarsely before closing the gap between them.

She parted her lips, fully trusting him and eagerly letting him in. Her fingers caressed the back of his neck, the cropped hair prickling her skin while her nose gently collided with his in the frenzy.

He suddenly pulled away, a puzzled expression shadowing his face. "Do you hear that?"

Ali held her breath but shook her head when nothing seemed out of the ordinary. "Was it the wind, maybe?" she guessed, not knowing how he could have heard anything above their own ragged breathing.

He was about to kiss her again when the silence was indeed interrupted.

"Help! Somebody help us, please!" The frantic request came from somewhere nearby.

Drawing away from each other, they both turned their heads, searching for the source. When the pleas sounded out again, Hank returned Ali to her feet and grabbed her hand before hurrying in what seemed to be the direction of the calls.

Luckily, it turned out to be right. Down a steep incline on the other side of the plateau and tucked under an outcrop shielding them from the sun, they found two older couples. One pair was kneeling next to a man lying on his back, while a woman looked on, quietly sobbing into her hand.

"What happened?" Hank sprang into action, joining the two on the ground adjacent to the motionless body and leaving Ali on the scene's perimeter.

"My husband just collapsed," the gray-haired woman next to him explained robotically, a glazed-over look in her eyes as Hank put his ear near the unconscious man's face. "I don't know what happened. We thought he just tripped, but he's not responding."

A Cowboy for the CEOحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن