I kissed my teeth and played around with my phone in boredom. I still couldn't believe what mum was making us do. I swear if I do go there eventually I'm gonna raise hell and cause havoc. There was a knock on my door. I sighed.

"Come in," I said quietly. The door opened and Tanisha's fat head popped through. I looked away and went back to my phone. It was just a habit; I always fiddle with my phone when I'm bored. Tanisha came in the room then sat down on my bed. Invade my privacy why don't you.

"Que te pasa, Riah?" she asked. In this household we spoke Spanish; randomly aswell. Tanisha's voice was higher than mine and she was slightly smaller than me, even though she was ten minutes older.

"Don't you know what's going on?" I asked in mild irritation.

"Is it to do with Shawn?" she replied, now looking concerned. Shawn was in hospital due to a major accident when mum took him to the park. He fell off the climbing frame when he slipped and his head kinda split open.

Ouch I know, but he's fine. He's just in hospital recovering for now.

"No, it's not Shawn," I replied after a small tut.

"What is it then?"

"We're going to Liverpool."

She paused momentarily. "So?"

I raised a brow. "Did mum already tell you?"


I sighed and rolled my eyes. "We're both moving to Liverpool for 5 months to go live with that stupid bitch of a man."

"Uncle John?"

"No, our dad!"

"Ohh." She laughed to herself, then she froze. "So what?" Argh, this girl.

"I don't wanna live with that bustard. I don't even wanna see him."

"I do, I wanna meet him, see what he's like init."

I turned away. "Whatever man."

"You need to sekkle your skin; you know there might be some boomtings there!"

"In Liverpool?" I replied, giving her a knowing look.

"Well you never know." She laughed.

"Am I laughing, Tanisha?" She rolled her eyes.

"You know what, you moany bitch, you need sleep and God." She got up and walked out.

"Callate!" I yelled after her, which meant shut up. She pissed me off sometimes. Why wasn't she angry about this? Am I the only one who sees a problem? I sat up and looked at the time on my phone. It was 7:57pm; I had just got back from Marcus' house aswell. Before you get all stupid and react, I think it's best that I tell you now that Marcus is not my man; he's simply a friend. We've been best friends since primary school. I can tell him anything and vice versa—guess we were just that close. I wonder how he'd react when I tell him I'm moving.

Only one way to find out...

I searched his number and called him.


"I want you to go shop for me, Marcus."

"Yeah yeah man, later."

"No, now."

"In a minute." I kissed my teeth and went up to my room. I went through my top drawer and got out a zoot that I had already made from the night before. I retrieved my lighter then lit it up then sat down on my bed. Life's shit, there's literally nothin' to do anymore. Life's dead, the roadside's dead, even the man’s outside are dead. Nothin' to do lately. I felt my phone vibrating so I got it out my pocket to see it was Sha'riah calling. Nah real talk, I need to answer this, man loves hearing her voice.


"Hi, Marcus."

I smiled. "Wagwaan 'Riah, did you get to your yard okay?"

"Yep, got back a minute ago."

I lay back and puffed out some smoke. "Oh cool. What you on?"

"Nothing, just in bed, you?" I imagined her lying there in just her underwear. My smile widened.

"Same." I took another draw and she sighed.

"I'm pissed off," she said quietly.

"Why b?"

"Everything’s just going wrong."

"Tell me, maybe I can help."

"Nah not really."

I raised a brow. "Try me."


"Go on then."

"You know me and Tanisha yeah..."

I paused. "Yeah..."

"Well, we...we erm..." she trailed off and fell silent.

"Ey, are you there?" All that was heard was her gentle breathing through the phone; she seemed so peaceful, yet distant. "Sha'riah?"

"I have to go."


"I'll call you back." She locked off.

What. The. Fuck?

I shook my head before dashing my phone somewhere and carried on bunnin’. Somethin' you should know... I'm not on them sweetboy movements or any of that shit but there was something about Sha'riah. Yeah, we've been tight from day and all of that, but I've realised that lately I've been feeling things for her. I've actually been waiting for the right moment, when I can just ask her to be mine... but I can never get around to it.

Anyway, here's the facts init...

Name's Marcus, go by the name of 'Stompz', for obvious reasons.

Age ain't important.

Don't mean to seem bigheaded but... I'm sexy fam! Gyaldem say man looks like Trey Songz and all that. Abit gassed, but what can I say?

Live wid my younger bro and my mum, love her to bits, but my brother, Ryan...he's a paigon. 

I lay there in silence and thought for abit. Never thought I'd feel something for Riah but I can't help myself, there was chemistry there and all sorts. It's not like I can just tell her casj, I know how she'd react anyway.


I locked off and sighed. I felt so stupid, why would I even do that? I kissed my teeth and left my phone next to me on the bed. Stupid child, I could have just told him but I had to be extra. It would've been over and done with by now. I banged my head against the bed and cussed myself.

"Dumb ass child," I muttered to myself. What would Marcus think anyway? Either way, it was probably better to tell him in person. It's just gonna be so hard. We weren't used to being apart, so his reaction would be bad. I'm gonna have to say something sooner or later...

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