Pixie and The New Students

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"That's creepy" Isaac muttered, shuddering after Lydia had done explaining the imperious curse.

An uneasy silence is interrupted by a loud meowing, Derek jumped a little in surprise as the door slid open and a orange cat slipped through, it, without hesitation, jumped on top of Isaac and snuggled up to him.

Once again, everyone stared and Isaac looked delighted but not shocked and he stroked the cat behind the ears.

Once again there was a strange silence but it was not the same as before as everyone stared at the Isaac and the cat. 

"Um...?" Derek said, raising his eyebrows in questioning. 

A bright smile appeared on Isaac's face and Scott realised with surprise that he hadn't seen Isaac smile that wild in a while. 

He then looked a little embarrased at everyones staring.

"Oh, um, this is Pixie!" 

He pretended to make her paw do a little wave. 

"Pixie these are my friends, everyone, pixie" 

Pixie seemed less than impressed and it looked like she was glaring at everyone. 

In Stiles opinion she looked a little spooky, with unsettling bright yellow eyes and pitch black fur. 

But there was something of course, on everyones mind, other than her glaring at them all. 

"You have a cat? Since when?" Scott demanded. 

"Um, I've only had her for a week, she's a family friends who gave her to me because-" Isaac cut himself and shook his head "Never mind, look, isn't she cool!" 

Isaac had almost said that he'd been given her to help cheer himself up and looking after a cat helped distract him from what was going on with his Dad. 

His Dad seemed to bother him less when he was doing something with Pixie as well, like even in his drunk state he didn't want to make the cat uncomfortible, funny that he could give their new pet this consideration but not his own son. 

Isaac's fist clenched a little while thinking about it but Pixie started to rub her self against his cloak and he felt himself relax

However just as he felt a little better, Pixie suddenly tensed up in his arms and hissed, glaring at the door. 

Everyone was startled slightly as the door to their carriage slid open. 

"His in here" 

"Don't push me" 

Stiles frowned as students he didn't recognise stepped into their space, the cats hissing filled the air, she was crouched defensively in front of Isaac who looked pretty bewildered. 

"Pixie!" He snapped, but she didn't listen to him. 

He scooped her up in his arms and pressed her closer to his chest in an attempt to calm her down. She stopped hissing but continued to look like she wanted to attack the guests at any moment. 

"Oh, that cats scary" One of the students chuckled. 

"Sorry-" Isaac started to apologise for her behavior but he was interupted by Lydia who looked suspicious of the guests. 

She had heard them while they were opening the door. 

His in here, what did that mean? Did they know someone in here? But she had checked and not one of her friends nor Scorpious looked like they recognised them, they did look familar but she was very sure she'd never met them. 

"Are you looking for someone?" She asked them, feeling a bit protective over her friends, she usually wouldn't say anything but something about them made her feel uneasy. 

"No, no, we just wanted to introduce ourselves and your carriage was the closest to ours" The girl in front said, a big smile on her face. 

There were six of them of varying ages and two of them at the back were whispering something to each other. 

One of them was staring at the ground, not trying to meet their eyes. 

"Introduce yourselves? Are you transfers?" Derek asks, curiously, finding it strange that this group of friends just decided to wonder up to them and do this, but again something also felt a bit strange about them, was it him or was some of the students who's just walked in kept on glancing at him? 

Like they somehow knew him? But he was very sure he didn't know them. 

"Something like that" One of the boys replied, a slight smirk on his face. 

Derek blinked a couple of times, what did that even mean? 

One of the new students stepped forward the girl who had spoken before, she was fairly tall and with long brunette hair, which looked it hadn't been brushed in ages, opened her mouth, perhaps she was going to introduce herself or explain what the boy had meant but they never found out. 

 At that moment Pixie struggled free from Isaac's grip, reacting to the girl stepping forward and lunged for her, the closest one too Isaac, claws out. 

So sorry this has been so long! My updates should be a bit faster now but not as fast as usual simply because I'm focusing on my travel blog and also social media aspects to it, as well as my actual work. 

Basically while I have been feeling unwell recently, I've also been volunteering for two different companies, working my retail job,  Spanish Classes, writing a travel blog, trying to be regular on Instagram, Youtube, Tiktok and Threads and a couple of months ago joined a 0 hour contract catering agency, I also been looking for jobs to replace my retail job, so yes I still have all this going on, minus the unwell part since I feel better now, so thats why my updates in general won't be as fast as they used to be but I'll try and be as regular as possible. 

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