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"You-you were there when it happened?" Kira said, looking terrified, for them.

She then shook her head, what a stupid question "I-I mean, I know you all were but it's hard to wrap my head around it!" She amended.

"We can't really believe it either" Scott said in a reassuring way, squeezing her hand slightly and he added softly "I'm glad you weren't there"

Stiles didn't think he was used to Scott being this serious, he wanted the playful Scott back who could distract them all but he knew that wasn't fair on Scott.

But it wasn't just the horror of what happened that was on his mind, the big question was why? Why had these creatures attacked?

Before he could voice his thoughts, there was a knocking at their carriage door and it hesitantly slid open to reveal a nervous Scorpious?

Stiles blinked a little at him, he hadn't heard from him in a while, thinking back to it, they hadn't really talked that much, had they? 

But he did sympathies with how the Slytherins treated him, since both their parents were looked at as cowards.

"I um...I know it's a bit packed but I can't find a s-seat so..."

His eyes looked pleadingly at Stiles but looked like he was too nervous to ask properly.

"There isn't any room with your friends?" Scott asked, looking at him with a little with pity but also he looked happy to stop talking about Quidditch event.

Scorpious seemed taken aback by Scott's friendliness, coursing him to stammer even more "Er w-well I-I don't really have...a-apart from..." He reddened in embarrassment and he went so quite in parts of his sentence that they couldn't hear him.

"Are you Malfoy? As in Draco? That's your father?" Isaac who'd become friendly with Albus over the summer and learned more about the recent war, even though he only sounded curious. Scorpious still flinched slightly and look like he was preparing to be told to go away as soon as Isaac mentioned the name Malfoy.

Stiles however had a feeling he knew what Scorpious sentence was and he decided to save him from further embarrassment as he spoke up "You can come in, it's fine, might be a bit of a squeeze though"

As soon as Stiles had spoken, Scorpious looked far more relaxed and very quickly, fumbling a little, looking still a bit red, he squeezed in next to Stiles.

The group looked at him expectedly as he stuttered out "I-I'm Scorpios"

"The Malfoy?" Issac asked, since the other kid hadn't confirmed it and he wanted to know, he didn't mind his Dad was a death eater but this it was odd that-

His train of thought was interrupted when he was whacked over the head by Derek, who snapped "Clearly he is, Stop bringing it up"

And with a pointed look from Derek, Isaac realised how miserable Scorpious looked, like he thought that... oh!

"I was just curious! I don't care who your Dad is! I don't hate you for it!"

He remembered how the other Slytherins had treated Stiles, as well as the other house as he said more firmly "The ones who hate you for it are idiots!"

Scorpious brightened at that but still a bit embarrassed for other reasons as he said nervously "I-I guess I should have expected that s-since you're all friends with Stiles too but..."

His smile turned a little sad and resigned as he said "I g-guess I got used to it I suppose"

"We shouldn't have to get used to it" Stiles said, feeling irritation build at what probably awaited them in their dorms, wondering how they'd both deal with it.

Everyone agreed with that, even though Scorpious unknowingly had given them all a distraction from the topic they had been talking about, Stiles just couldn't let it go, he wanted to know why these terrible things had happened, he couldn't stop even though he knew everyone else would rather not talk about it and pretend it hadn't happened.

"Getting back to what we were talking about before..." He gave Lydia, Derek and Isaac a look of apology before he continued "Does anyone know why the attack happened? What were those werewolves? I never seen them before?"

However Lydia looked surprised as she said "You don't know?"

Finally, some useful information, Stiles thought and everyone turned to her. 

Unwilling but unable to help their curiosity...

But no one seemed to have leaned that curiosity had killed the cat.

Sorry for such a long break! I wasn't feeling very well! Anyway! Hope you enjoyed! Hope you all have a good day!

Dark Spiral Series: Wolves In Our Mists (Teen Wolf/Harry Potter) Where stories live. Discover now