The Rescuer

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As soon as they started moving down the stairs at a hurried pace, joining the panicked and frightened crowd, Stiles felt completely overwhelmed.

The red alarm blared in their sense, turning the color of the stadium a bright red, red flares had also been shot into the sky.

Logically Stiles knew this was to warn other wizard and witches to stay away and if there were any that were in the wizardry emergency department, to be a beacon on the ground and sky and call them forward,

In reality Stiles didn't care about the logic behind it, it was terrifying and it felt like this was just making crowd even more panicked, jostling them about.

Due to the protection over the stadium, you couldn't use apparition and teleport away. The protection barrier that was meant to stop individuals who could course harm was now trapping people inside and doing the opposite of what it was meant to do.

Thousands and thousands had come to see this match and there were only six exits on the ground.

Derek, Scott and Stiles had bunched up together and it felt like the crowd just swept them along. Stiles parents couldn't get to them in time.

The crowed was like a wave with a current impossible to fight against unless you wanted to get crushed against the rocks.

"Mum! Dad!" Stiles shouted out, as they were pushed further and further away.

His parents had managed to grab Lydia who had been closest to them once they had stepped into the chaos and realised how strong the current of people were.

Stiles hasn't seen what had happened to Allison or Isaac but he hoped they were with Allison's parents.

"Meet us in the forest! Don't stop moving until you get there!" His mother cried over the crowed, his Dad and Mum, reaching out for them but it was clear to them all that no matter how hard they tried, they could not force their way through the wall of people separating them.

In a matter of seconds after Stiles had heard her shout, he could no longer see them any longer in the crowd.

A firm hand grasped on to his shoulder and shoved him to make him move faster, trying to match the current of the crowed.

"You heard her! If we slow down or stop, we'll get crushed!" Scott snapped, his usual goofy exterior gone.

Stiles nodded quickly, swallowing down the instinct to just curl up and cry, the crushing pressure of the chaotic people, rushing downwards, it was all to clear what would happen if they stopped or slowed down.

It was strange thinking that innocent wizards and witches were now what were causing them most danger instead of whatever was attacking people down on ground level.

But that was still to come, they still had to go in that direction to get out.

Derek had grabbed both of their arms, making sure they weren't separated.

Stiles wishes they all had done this sooner but it had been like stepping into a river with an invisible deadly current.

It had already been too late once the adults has realised the danger and the need to stick themselves together so they didn't get separated.

So with no choice they ran with the chaotic crowed.

The alarm blaring in their ears, the steps were all now deadly trip hazards just waiting to happen, the building a bright red, joining in the haze of dark red in the air, the closer they got to the ground.

The screams also became louder and louder, some very blood curling and painful screams.

That's right wasn't it? Everyone, including them, was essentially running into fire to escape.

A fire in the shape of sharp bloody teeth and ice blue eyes.

After what seemed about half an hour of running downwards, finally Stiles feet touched solid ground.

However his relief was short lived as he noticed the air seemed so red that it was hard to see.

Stiles always tripped over something and he glanced down to see a face staring up at him, dead eyes staring into the sky beyond.

A bloody claw mark across their chest and Stiles felt like he was going to be sick.

"I-I was about to tell you not to look d-down" Scott said, also looking ill.

"Come on, don't slow down, we're almost there!"Derek said firmly, giving both of them big shoves to run faster, he seemed surprisingly calm despite their situation.

But just as Derek said that, a black shape plunged into the crowd in front of them.

It all happened so quickly Stiles had a hard time processing it.

A wizard screamed as teeth crunched down on to his shoulder and the crowed became even more chaotic and Stiles felt like they being pushed towards the monster!

The shape that Stiles had realised was a wolf, it's eyes now turned on them.

The closest was Derek who had been shoved forwards by the panicking crowd.

"Derek!" Scott shouted as the wolf jumped in front of Derek, looking like he was about to interfere but what could Scott do?

Stiles was terrified that Derek was about to be mauled in front of them but instead the wolf actually stopped it's advance and started to sniff him?

Then suddenly a red spell blasted into the wolf, sending it flying and Stiles found himself, Derek and Scott being grabbed and pulled out of the chaos.

Stiles looked up to see who had grabbed him by back of his cloak and hold him away, strong enough to brake him away from the crowd.

Despite the horrible situation going on around him, Stiles mouth still fell open in shock.


Was the man who had saved him, Harry Potter?!

Dark Spiral Series: Wolves In Our Mists (Teen Wolf/Harry Potter) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ