A Kind Father

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Stiles is carefully put down away from the frightened stampeding crowed.

"Honestly! This crowd is almost as bad as the wolves! What part of, walk calmly out of here in a single file, didn't they get! Endangering innocent children" An adult huffed, close by, strengthening locks on a cage.

"Not everyone can be calm in a life and death situation" Harry Potter replied, glancing at the women before turning back to Stiles.

Concern in his eyes.

"Hey kid, are you okay? "

Stiles opened his mouth to stammer out he was fine but he only just processed where he actually was and what was going on around him.

Six large cages, the same size of humans surrounded him and snarls of the angry beasts inside.

About ten other wizards and witches were around the cages and they seem to be strengthening the cages with spells.

The beasts jaws were dripping with blood. 


"I know them, they got separated from us when everything went down"

Stiles sighed in relief at a familiar voice as his eyes fell on Allison's mother.

Only to swallow when he looked down to see what her wand was pointed at. A wolf, the one that had attacked them or almost attacked Derek was on the ground, unconscious. 

"That wolf is the last of them" Allisons Father spoke up, looking grim and Stiles could see that Scott and Derek were by his side.

He must have been the one to grab them out of harms way.

The wolf seems to shift like it's about to wake up and Alison's mother raised her wand but before she could say anything, Harry Potter muttered something with his wand and a cage seems to grow out of the ground.

However that action seemed to annoy her as she glared at him.

"Potter, you told me that these creatures needed to be dealt with" She snapped.

The famous wizard said calmly, like he was talking about the weather "I don't like your methods Argent. They will be dealt with by the ministry of magic, we don't know if they were being controlled by their Alpha"

Stiles had no clue what he meant.

Alison's mother opens her mouth to respond but before she can a shrill cry rang out.

"Daddy, daddy!" Mr Potters head turned sharply at the sound Stiles blinked as a crying Albus suddenly ran into view.

The fathers face that was serious when talking to Allisons mother, softened incredibly as he looked down at his son, who had wrapped his hands around his chest in a tight hug, begging for comfort in the red that surrounded them.

"Albus, I told you to go to the forest with everyone else" He said softly, gently unwrapping his sons hands from his chest and crouching down so they were the same hight.  

"I-I didn't want to leave you" Albus sniffled, leaning into him.

Stiles suddenly felt like he was intruding in a private moment and tried to look somewhere else. 

The wolves snapped and growled in their cage.
Scott and Derek had slowly made their way over to Stiles, giving wide birth of the cages.

"That's Harry Potter" Scott whispered, sounding awed but not wanting to be overheard by the famous wizard and his son.

"Considering what's happened, that's what you want to focus on?" Derek muttered, also keeping his voice low but giving Scott a glare.

Scott gave him a little sheepish smile as he said looking down on the ground "Well, I didn't really want to think about it"

Derek's glare vanished as he looks sympathetic, he opened his mouth to say something but stopped as he looked at the wolves snarling in their cages.

"I thought I was imagining it but their eyes, they're all that colour?" He said, sounding freaked out.

Stiles misinterpreting why Derek looked so scared said "Yeah, those blue eyes give me the creeps"

"Potter, the wolves-" Allisons mother tried again but this time Harry Potter glanced at her, his eyes hard, his tone was cold, cutting and left no room for argument "Not in front of the children Argent"

Stiles was suddenly reminded that the majority of adults that were helping out stopping the wolves had been in a war and Harry Potter had obviously been at the centre of it.

Allison Dad, Chris turned to them, looking far less stern that her mother as he told them "The second exit has almost cleared now, it'll be safe for all of you to go through it. Allison and Isaac are waiting for you and Lydia should be with your parents Stiles"

Stiles nodded and didn't argue but he had a feeling with some tension building with Mr Potter and Mrs Argent who were now glaring at him, that he, Scott and Derek were being moved aside so the adults could talk.

"Let's go" Derek said when Stiles and Scott hesitated. Albus was told by his father to join them and he hurried over, wiping his eyes on his sleeve he did so.

Derek was eager to get away from the snarling wolves and their glowing blue eyes.

Just like that man in the sweet stall and... another question looming over him.

That wolf had stopped to sniff him? It hasn't attacked him? Why?

What was going on?

Dark Spiral Series: Wolves In Our Mists (Teen Wolf/Harry Potter) Where stories live. Discover now