Worth The Ride

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Thankfully they don't have to wait long as Stiles parents arrived after a couple of minutes.
"You should have told us you went ahead Stiles" His mother scolded him lightly.

He gave a sheepish smile as he said "Ah sorry"

"We'll never mind that, the port key is just outside this house" His father said, not wanting this journey to take any longer than it should.

He motioned for them to follow him as he opened the door that lead outside into the garden. A normal looking plant pot was sitting there looking disarming, nothing unusual about it, apart from the fact they were all gathered around it.

"This is a port key?" Isaac asked, looking incredibly unsure.

Even he heard about a port key he had thought about some sort of fantastical portal that you needed to open with a magical key, not whatever this was. 

"It will be in about thirty seconds, we're just on time. On my count, grab on to the plant pot" Stiles mother told them all. 

Stiles and Scott nodded, they both hadn't traveled like this before but they were aware of how it worked.

Isaac was completely bewildered as he repeated "Grab on to it?"

"Ready?" She started to count down from twenty  seconds. 

Everyone apart from Isaac who still was incredibly confused, grabbed on to in on the ten second mark.

Stiles wondered what it be like, his parents had told him it was easy once you got the hang of it, like floating in the air but they had told him to brace himself the first couple of times. 


"Isaac grab on to it!" Stiles Dad yelled, realising Isaac had yet to touch it.

Scott without thinking grabbed Isaacs hand and forced him to touch it and hold on to it tightly just as Stiles mother said "One!"

It happened in a split second.

Everyone shouted in surprise or joy. 

The ground vanished beneath them and they were surrounded by this blue vortex. It was so strong Stiles, Scott and Isaac almost let go multiple times.

It felt like they were in the middle of a hurricane.

Somehow his parents just knew as his Dad yelled over the whirling wind "This is our stop boys! Let go!"

"What?!" Isaac shouted back. 

"Follow us" Stiles mum told him more calmly, giving him a kind smile. 

She then let go as did Stiles Dad and they flew away from the port key, falling away into the spinning vortex. 

"Come on!" Scott said, closing his eyes for a brief second before also letting go. 

It was just Isaac and Stiles hanging on.

Stiles was telling himself he was there because he was comforting Isaac but honestly letting go of this while they seemed to be flying in the air in this scary hurricane wind surrounding him, pretty much terrified him. 

Not that he was going to admit that. 

"Isaac if we don't let go now we'll arrive at the wrong place! I-I'll do it with you, okay? We'll let go on the count of three"

Isaac stared at him clearly frightened he hesitated but then he nodded shakily. 



Stiles took a deep breath in.


He let go and Isaac did at the same time. For a couple of seconds they were falling and sailing into the vortex and Stiles screamed but thankfully the vortex seemed to swallow the sound. 

But before he knew it he slammed onto solid ground with a gasp, just in time to see his parents arrive on the ground, somehow floating down leisurely.

How did they do that?!

He heard Isaac choking up the mud behind him. Scott was already standing up, wiping mud from his face.

"Solid ground, I love you" Isaac sighed.

"I thought you all liked flying?" Stiles Mum chuckled at the children's reactions.

"Not that kind of flying-" Stiles groaned but he added quickly glaring at his parents "-also how did-you-do-that?!"

His Dad smirked as he said shrugging "It just takes practice kiddo"

Stiles opened his mouth to demand details but he didn't get the chance too as Scott interrupted them.

They were on the top of a tall hill and Scott was standing on the edge as he said bouncing up and down a little "I suppose...I don't mind if we have to travel like that...it was worth it, look! We're here!"

Isaac and Stiles got to their feet and their jaws dropped at what they saw.

The stadium surround by thousands and thousands of tents and carnival type shops surrounded it.

It looked amazing.

Stiles mother and father smiled warmly down at the children's wonder as they stared at their surroundings.

The children had stars in their eyes and wasn't that the best thing in the world?

Dark Spiral Series: Wolves In Our Mists (Teen Wolf/Harry Potter) Where stories live. Discover now