Chapter 6

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After catching up with Loid your group was forced to leave his makeshift safe house but you came up with a plan to use the subway however after a crocodile attacked you the next thing you all did was start heading towards a hanger to steal a plan.

Loid: Ok if my map is correct the hangers should be just around this corner.

Me: Loid I have a bad feeling about all this doesn't it seem a little too quiet.

Loid knew what you meant but if we make a scene whoever was watching us might get some of their friends and with us being low on ammo it wouldn't be a good situation as we reach the hangers.

Loid: There it is.

Everyone ran towards the hangers but you stood back and looked as a something shined in the distance and you see someone hiding in the shadows before running after them.


Before he had a chance Loid was shot in the head killing him instantly as Yor his with screams as you shot at the person responsible giving them cover fire before standing next to them.

Me: Yor I'm sorry.

Yor: No you did all you could.

Daisy: We should go.

Daisy was right and we all started running to the hanger and found a plane but the sound of trucks caught your attention as you look and see the high council symbol on the trucks and you finally lost your temper.

Me: Those fucking bastards I'll kill them for this Daisy get the plane ready because I need to make a little call.

Daisy watched you load up every weapon they had and strap them to your body as you held a hunting rifle and walked out to face the people in the trucks.

Guy 1: Well just like they said the murder really did come for a plane.

The guy was soon silenced by you shooting him and all of his little friends look at you with fear as you step closer and closer before long everyone was shooting but your skills made this a very uneven fight as one by one they fell dead to the floor and you just keep walking as the ground was painted in the bright crimson colour of blood before every last one was dead.

Me: Now lets talk you bastards.

You hop in the truck and drive off which made Daisy a little worried at what your about to do but you knew what needed to be done and this was going to be the last time the high council gave an order as you ride towards the safe zone but as you got to the gates instead of stopping you bust right through crashing it before popping out.

Me: This should get their attention.

Soldiers began to surround you but your soon showing them no mercy as you became something no one should ever be as a single was laying on the floor as you prepare to exacute him.

Soldier: What are you.

Me: I'm vengeance.

Your shot echos as you start walking toward the high council building where I would final give them what they deserve as I burst through the doors and walk towards them.

High council 1: How dare you assult our safe zone you will be exacu.... .

You shot him in the shoulder causing him to shut up as you look at the other 2 and hold a gun at them warning them not to move.

Me: You assholes are not exacuting me because I'm here to kill you.

High council 2: Why we have done nothing to you since you banishment.

You shot him in the shoulder as well as you continue to show nothing but anger towards them.

Me: You 3 have done something to me you just killed my best friend now your going confess before I end your lives.

High council 3: Confess what we have nothing to hide.

Me: Even the fact of your cover up of a certain high council member performing criminal acts to suit his own needs.

High council 1: Fine we did cover it up but look how this place has been because of us your a nobody.

Me: Actually your wrong because your confession was just broadcast to everyone in the safe zone now die.

You shot 2 of them but you take the other out and drag him back to the truck you stole as the people watch and agree with his punishment as you toss him out and shot into the sky which called the infected that were nearby.

High council 1: Please don't do this we can work out a deal just don't let me be infected.

Me: You better start running.

The high council member got to running and it attracted the infected and soon enough he trips as the infected grab him and began to eat ripping flesh, breaking bones and splatting blood and guts all over the floor with him screaming before you start heading back to the hanger to rejoin up with Yor, Anya and Daisy.

Back at the hanger

Daisy: I hope he is ok.

Yor: I'm sure he is Loid would tell me how F/n was a strong person.

Anya:Mommy are we going to lose big brother.

Yor: No dear he will be back.

Everyone soon sees you walking towards them but they saw your clothes are covered in blood as you pass them and hope on the plane starting it up.

Me: Lets go.

They hop in the plane as you take off seeing New York get smaller and smaller as but you look at the others before looking at yourself feeling a little warm but shake it off but Daisy notice.

Daisy: F/n are you ok.

Me: I'm fine.

Daisy got up and walks towards you and placed a hand on your shoulder.

Daisy: I know your upset but we are here for you.

Me: Daisy listen I'm fine now just go sit down I will get us to the lab and fin the cure ok now leave me alone.

Daisy knew you weren't a mean person but she does go back to her seat not wanting to cause you any more pain.

Yor: Don't take his words seriously Loid was a close friend and I think deep down F/n blames himself for everything the banishment and even Loid's death but he needs someone to watch over him and pull him out of the darkness he's in.

Daisy: Did you know he was a soldier before all this?

Yor: Yes and I still wonder if his wounds have healed.

Daisy: What you mean?

Yor: When your a soldier while you can get hurt physically it's the emotional damage which is harder to heal they see things we don't and experience things we could never imagine I still wonder what the worst thing he had to do as a soldier was but I believe he will open up when he's ready.

As you all fly over the sea you could hear every word but ignore it because your the only one who can protect them as you pull something out of your shirt and look at them which Daisy notice but couldn't see them before you put them back.

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