Chapter 3

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You and Daisy found yourselves running for your life after infected began to swarm but thanks to some quick thinking you both got away unharmed but you soon encounter a man called Clay who tried to steal your supplies but you ended his life and are now resuming looking for a boat.

Daisy: How much further.

Me: Not sure but the docks should be just round the corner which means we might actually find a boat.

As you both turn the corner and arrive at the docks smiles appear on your faces because you actually found a boat which you give a quick check and see it's in good condition.

Me: She looks good to take to sea so lets get out of here.

Daisy: Right.

You both hop aboard and get ready to leave however once you tried to start it up you had nothing as you check the fuel and soon see the issue the boat was out of fuel.

Me: Fuck sake.

Daisy: What's wrong?

Me: The boat has no fuel which means it won't move and I don't know where to find more.

Daisy: I think there was a gas station a little further up.

After thinking it over you decide to go and get some fuel so you both set out making sure to hide the boat just to be safe before walking back to the street and see the gas station not to far away.

Me: Ok follow me and be careful.

Daisy: Ok.

You move ahead of Daisy to be look out for infected but still the streets seem a little too quiet it was perfect for an a trap.

Daisy: F/n what's wrong?

Me: This isn't right no infected and yet the streets are too quiet something tells me we just walked into an....

Daisy: AMBUSH.

You soon see people pop up from hiding and start shooting like it was some sort of turf war as you both duck behind a car as you check your ammo.

Me: Get to the gas station I'll cover you.

Daisy: But there is too many for one man.

Me: It's going to take more to kill me besides my code name was The Reaper.

You jump over the car in plain sight and begin to engage the enemy while Daisy ran to the gas station however one noticed but you shot him dead as the shooting continues a bullet hit your shoulder but it didn't bother you too much.


After you pistol ran out of ammo you switch to your sniper rifle which you use with easy thanks to years of training landing headshot and taking down the enemy in front of you by the time Daisy returned you had killed all 10 of the ambushers.

Daisy: Wow.

Me: This was light work lets get out of here while we got the chance.

As we get back to the boat you start by fueling it up while Daisy took the stuff inside ready for the trip but you soon hear the sound of infected getting closer before finishing the fueling and hop on the boat.

Me: Here we go.

You look back as the dock got further and further away but you look at Daisy and smile before placing a hand on you shoulder which had your hidden wound as you both set a course for New York.

Me: So Daisy what you going to do when we get to the safe zone.

Daisy: I'll get some sleep and if possible get a job to earn my place.

Me: I see that sure sounds good.

You feel a little dizzy but shake it off as you pass by so ships that were left floating at sea crew dead maybe even infected but you pass them carefully before getting Daisy to take the wheel while you use the restroom.

Me: Ok here we go.

You lock the door before removing your shirt to see the bullet wound after which you place some fabric in your mouth as you take you combat knife and push it into the already bleeding wound before digging out the bullet your screams are muffled by the cloth as the bullet falls into the sink.

Me: Ok now to cover it.

You place a clean pad on your wound before wrapping it in bandages as I breath hard because of the pain.

Me: I need to get her there and fast.

You put your shirt back on and exit before walking back to the wheel as we continue our course but after a couple more hours New York came into view.

Me: There it is Daisy New York and also the safe zone.

We approach them and stop at the gates to the safe zone as some of the guards to stop us but as soon as they see you guns are pointed and ready to fire as Daisy looked confused.

Guard 1: You there by order of high council you will stop your approach.

You stop the boat as they call the high council and your allowed to enter but once your on land your placed in handcuffs with Daisy before being taken to the high council.

Daisy: F/n what's going on?

Me: Don't worry about it just let me do the talking.

As we enter the high council HQ you see people holding guns but they all looked at you in surprise which Daisy noticed until your taken into the high council.

High council 1: F/n L/n you have some balls to come back after what you did.

Me: Your still mad about that I already told you I did what I had to.

High council 2: Killing a member of the high council because of your failure is nothing but murder.

Me: Lets cut the crap you knew it was a set up because everyone would of died because of you so yeah it might be murder but those people come first not you three.

High council 3: Enough we see you have a woman with you is she why you came back after your banishment.

Me: I ask you to please give her safety in your safe zone and I'll leave.

High council 1: A common whore has no place in our zone leave now or face death.

Me: You can't turn her away she has nothing to do with me I simply gave her a ride here so please.

High council 3: It seems we have a problem but lets ask the female tell us would you like to stay.

Daisy: Y...Yes.

High council 2: Then prove your loyalty to our zone by executing a ciminal F/n L/n.

Me: You bastard.

Daisy but I can't he's been kind to me.

High council 1: Kill him and prove you loyalty or we will have no choice but to banish you from our walls choose.

In the end Daisy gave up everything just so you wouldn't die and so you both leave but they kept your boat which meant you had to leave by roads.

Daisy: I'm sorry.

Me: No you did the right thing they shouldn't of even made that offer to kill someone just to prove loyalty looks like humanity is actually dying.

Daisy: Could you tell me about your banishment.

Me: I don't see why not.

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