Su Hyeok x Cheong San - Part 15

Start from the beginning

The other got so flushed up, almost turning into burning crimson. "you always pull ways to fluster me..Su Hyeok." Cheong San chuckles

Su Hyeok then shows Cheong San a Boquet of flowers.

"H-huuh.." The shorter was surprised and he looks into his boyfriend's eyes.

"It's for you, Sannie<3" he flatters his eyes.

Cheong San gladly accepted this boquet and smelled it, "Y-you didn't have to buy anything for me.." He stuttered.

"Just take it, and maybe we'll buy a vase for it" Su Hyeok caresses Cheong San's hair and smelled it.

Cheong San giggled, "Let's go inside" their hands interlaced coming inside the apartment and closing the door after.

"Here, sit on the couch" Cheong San pointed.

"Wow, you prepared a coffee for me? thank you" Su Hyeok smiles at him.

Cheong San sits beside him, "of course, I've actually been waiting for you to come here" he quickly turns away to hide his smile on his face.

Su Hyeok slightly blushing "i appreciate it" he then reaches for the coffee his dear Sannie made especially for him.

"Oh yeah, by the way..about the flowers" Cheong San then gets embarassed everytime Su Hyeok brings him something on weekends when he visits him.

He stands up to put the flowers into an empty vase, and adds a bit of water aswell so it doesn't die.

After that, he placed the vase in the middle of the coffee table, he quickly glances his eyes into Su Hyeok who was already looking at him in every moment.

"I love the flowers, i hope they live for a bit longer" Cheong San smiled.

"Me too" Su Hyeok replied and reached for his boyfriend's hand.

[Time Skip - a few hours after]

(In Cheong San's room)

"Hey Su Hyeok.." Cheong San murmurs.

Su Hyeok sits beside him on the bed, "yes?" He looks deeply into Cheong San's eyes, observing his facial expressions.

"I've been wanting to tell you something" he utters.

"Is there something wrong?" Su Hyeok was in a bit of worry, because he's confused..or rather worried because it was a sudden change of mood.

Cheong San nods his head side ways, "no no, there's nothing wrong" he said.

Su Hyeok tilted his head, "okay? So tell me what you want to say" he smiles to try to enlighten his boyfriend.

Cheong San smiles, " well..i have been saving for months now, and..i've been thinking" he chatters.

Su Hyeok raised his eyebrows, "you've been saving money?" He asked

He just nods up and down, "i've been thinking of buying a house, for the two of us." Cheong San clearly looks proud of himself and was looking alot more happy.

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