Su Hyeok x Cheong San - Part 10

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Part 10 - Start

"" Cheong San slowly opens his eyes.

(Sorry i don't know how he's supposed to sound like when he wakes up LMAO-😭)

He yawns and looks down seeing Su Hyeok's arms wrapped around his hips..

'..Huh-, since when was i unconscious..' He questioned inside his thoughts.

He turns his head around to see Su Hyeok sleeping warmly beside him.

'I remember, i fell asleep at the couch with Onjo and Namra..did Su Hyeok bring me to the bed?..' He said in his thoughts again.

"You're awake Cheong San?.." it was Su Hyeok's voice.

"..WAH?!-..o-oh, Su Hyeok.." said Cheong San and he let's out a small gasp..

"Yeah" said Su Hyeok.

"How long have you been awake?.." Cheong San asked

"before you even woke up, i was just resting my eyes while listening to your heartbeat from behind." Su Hyeok stated

"Ahh..why didn't you wake me up?" said Cheong San.

"I'm just guessing that you're pretty tired yesterday, so i just let you sleep.."
Su Hyeok said.

"Ah also, you were whimpering last night..was there something bad you've dreamt of?" Su Hyeok asked.

Cheong San tries to remember, " was nothing! Just..uhm a nightmare." He said nervously.

"Are you sure?" said Su Hyeok.

"..yeah, i'll go clean my self up before getting ready for the day-" Cheong San said and Su Hyeok cuts off his words.

"Wait.. Let's stay like this for a minute" he says and continues to hug Cheong San.

"-Why?.." he asked.

"I think it's, comfortable.." Su Hyeok stated and gives a warm smile.

Cheong San just nods and blushes.. "Just for a minute then.." He said.

[Timeskip - an hour later]

"..when are we getting up-" said Cheong San and sighs.

"One more minute.." Su Hyeok requested.

"No more! My whole body is numb from you hugging me for so longgg-.." Cheong San groans.

Someone knocks on the door.

Both Su Hyeok and Cheong San just looked at eachother.

The door then opens, "break fast is ready, me and Namra cooked something for yo-..." Onjo was speechless.

"Okayyy..i'll be going-" said Onjo and walks away

"WAIT, IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE-" Cheong San shouted and was flustered.

Su Hyeok laughs, "it alright Cheong San, don't get so embarrassed so quickly"

"Besides..we are already in a relationship right?" said Su Hyeok and smiles.

"I know- it's just.." Cheong San covers his face.. "We have to get up." He said.

"oh right" Su Hyeok then stands up and lends a hand to Cheong San.

He then grabs his hands and stood up.

"..Thanks" said Cheong San.

Su Hyeok gives Cheong San a little peck on the lips. "Let's go"

He was speechless and just nods embarrassingly.

[At the living room with Namra and Onjo

"Cheong San, Su Hyeok, ypu're both up already?" said Namra

"Yeah.." Cheong San scratches his head.

"..Cuz Onjo told me that you were both stil cuddlin-" Onjo covers her mouth

"Let's just go eat!" she requested.

They all sat down and ate the food Namra and Onjo prepared.

"Wow, you guys are really good at cooking!" Su Hyeok stated.

"Mhm! I agree..*noms on food* " said Cheong San.

"We're glad that you liked it" Namra smiles.

"Well, Namra was the one who mostly done the cooking!" said Onjo and laughs.

"..No, you did a great job Onjo" Namra said and blushes.

Onjo giggles.

Su Hyeok and Cheong San had eye contact, telling eachother that Onjo and Namra are flirting and then grins.

[After breakfast]

"We're going to leave soon, so you guys just have fun" said Onjo

"And wait, i'll actually leave the snacks we didn't get to wat last night" Onjo stated and holds Namra's hands

"We'll be going now.. see you next time Cheong San, Su Hyeok" Namra waves goodbye with Onjo

"A-ah, alright, have a safe trip" said Cheong San and smiles.

The girls both left the house and closed the door.

"I guess we're left here alone again" Su Hyeok uttered.

"Yeah, ah wait.. I need to wash the dishes" Cheong San goes back to the table and carries the dirty plates and utensils to the sink.

"Do you need help?" Su Hyeok asked

"No, don't worry about me, i can do it myself" said Cheong San, then he opened the faucet and began to wash them.

"Is there any chance that you're upset with me?" Su Hyeok asks and embraces Cheong San from behind while he's washing the dishes.

He blushes, "no i'm not- i just need to quickly do these.." Cheong San stated.

"Really? You're not mad at me?" Su Hyeok asked one more time.

"Yeah!- , i promise..why would i be mad at you?" said Cheong San

"I don't know, just a hunch.." He said.

"Well i'm not, so don't worry" said Cheong San and gives a little kiss on Su Hyeok's cheeks

Su Hyeok blushes and said, "do it again"

"What-" said Cheong San in confusion

"Just do it" Su Hyeok said and smiles

"Okay.." Cheong San was gonna give another kiss to Su Hyeok, but then he turns around making them kiss in the lips instead.

".MH?!- ..Su Hyeok-!.." He then blushes again.

Part 10 - End

(LET'S END THE CHAPTER HERE, SO I CAN FINALLY POST THIS😭💞 imma need more breaks so i can think of a different idea!

Just so the series won't be boring

All Of Us Are Dead | Su Hyeok x Cheong San | Boys LoveWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu