Su Hyeok x Cheong San - Part 14

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Part 14 - Start

[Timeskip - Graduation day]

•Cheong San POV

Cheong San is preparing for the big day, this is the last time he would go to school after all,

Probably the last time he would see his friends aswell because they'd be busy with their own lives.

' This is it, we're all graduating soon. '
Cheong San nervously said inside his mind.

He then quickly grabs his phone, "i should probably call Su Hyeok."
Cheong San gives him a call.

•Su Hyeok POV

He hears a ring on his phone.

Su Hyeok picks it up checks who it was, "oh, it's Cheong San" he then accepts the call and greets his boyfriend.

[In call]

"Cheong San! How are you" said Su Hyeok.

"Hey Su Hyeok, i'm doing well! I wanted to check up on you aswell" He let's out a cute laugh.

"That's nice of you<3, i'm doing great, just hearing your voice makes me happy" Su Hyeok replied.

Cheong San covered his face with his other hand even though Su Hyeok can't see him being embarrassed on the other side the phone, " too, i'll see you at school" he said.

"Sure, i'll be waiting for you" Su Hyeok ends his sentence there as he continues it with a kiss on the phone.

Cheong San chuckled on the line, "alright, see you<3" he then ends the call.

Cheong San gets his other stuff and puts it inside his bag, ' i'll just wear the Academic Regalia at school when it's time ' he thought.

[Time Skip - at the school gate]

Cheong San finally stepped foot into the school ground and sees Su Hyeok waiting for him, his tall man gives him a wave and a warm smile

"Hey Su Hyeok, have you been waiting long?" The shorter asks.

"Not that long, i've been wanting to see you" Su Hyeok gives an Innocent grin.

Cheong San then holds Su Hyeoks hands. "Let's go?" He asks.

Su Hyeok stares at his boyfriend's sweet brown eyes. "Let's go" then gives Cheong San a quick little peck on the forehead.

The other giggles in both embarrassment and excitement.

They now walk together side by side in sync while their hands are intertwined.

[Time Skip - time of graduation]

The others are in their classes getting ready and putting make up on each other's faces.

Some are nervous, and some are excited, Su Hyeok and Cheong San notices the Onjo and Namra are walking towards their direction.

"Onjo! Namra!" Cheong San smiles at them.

"Hi guyss!" Onjo chatters with a very happy expression.

"Are you guys ready for the graduation?" Su Hyeok asks the two girls.

Namra nods her head, "yeah, me and Onjo helped each other" she ended the sentence with a nice smile on her face.

"The's great! me and Su Hyeok are helping each other aswell, how do we look?" Cheong San asks and looks at Su Hyeok.

Onjo and Namra smiled at them, "both of you look handsome! so don't worry" Said Onjo and she then holds Namra's hands.

"I agree, Cheong San looks beautiful." Su Hyeok splurted out and he caresses Cheong San's face.

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