Su Hyeok x Cheong San - Part 11

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Part 11 - Start

[The same day]

After washing the dishes

"Checkmate." said Cheong San and smirks at Su Hyeok.

"Ah damn it- you're so good st board games, Cheong San" Su Hyeok stated and chuckles.

"I usually play chess with Onjo when we were young" said Cheong San and cleans out the chess board.

"Ah i see, who's better between you two?" Su Hyeok asked

"Hmm, i always beated her at chess, so the answer is obvious" Cheong San laughs

Su Hyeok grins, "do you have other ideas that we can do, Cheong San? I'm not good at chess so let's play a different game." He said.

"Like what game exactly?" Cheong San asked.

"..i saw a court somewhere close to your house, why don't we play basketball?" said Su Hyeok.

"Ahh, sport games- i'm not good at basketball, but i can try.." he said.

"You don't have to worry, it's just a game, and i can teach you if you want" Su Hyeok queried and smiles.

Cheong San looks away flattered, '"let's just go.." he said.

"Alright" said Su Hyeok.

[Timeskip - At the Basketball court]

"Here, i'll try to score the ball to your net, and you have to block me from doing that" Su Hyeok said while dribbling the ball.

"Ah okay" Cheong San said as he opens his arms wide (sideways)

As Su Hyeok bounces the ball with him, he tries to go where Cheong San least expected him to move.

Su Hyeok jumps and shoots the ball through the hoop.

"Scored!" said Su Hyeok while panting lightly.

"One more." said Cheong San.

"Sure" Su Hyeok grinned.

Su Hyeok tries to score through the net again avoiding Cheong San's blocks.

After a few tries, Cheong San only manage to win Against Su Hyeok twice.

"Not bad for a newbie in basketball.." said Su Hyeok.

"Thanks" Cheong San laughs.

"It's your turn to have the ball" said Su Hyeok.

"Eh?" said Cheong San

"Yeah.. come on, you can do it, i'l block you this time" Su Hyeok uttered.

"Well alright" said Cheong San and smiles.

Cheong San starts dribbling the ball left to right through his legs and runs pass Su Hyeok.

'Huh, i definitely did not expect him to be this fast..' Su Hyeok said in his thoughts.

Cheong San jumps and dunks the ball through the hoop, while Su Hyeok was lost and suprised in his thoughts.

"..Hey! ..I got it see?." said Cheong San while panting

"Ah sorry- i zoned out" said Su Hyeok

Cheong San pouted- " missed it??" He gasps.

"Let's do one more?" said Su Hyeok

"Sure, just don't doze of again-" Cheong San chuckled.

"Ah yes, i'll make sure to watch you properly." Su Hyeok said while he looks up and down to Cheong San and smirked.

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