Su Hyeok x Cheong San - Part 4

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Part 4 - Start

The wind feels gentle
And the sky is light blue
It was already morning

"Cheong Sannn!-" Onjo shouts while knocking on his door making the sleepyhead Su Hyeok wake up.

Su Hyeok looks around, 'it's morning already??- ' he said on his thoughts and takes a look at Cheong San who already has his eyes open.

"AH!- you scared me" Su Hyeok uttered.

Cheong san pats Su Hyeoks back, "..what're you doing, come on and stand up, you're so heavyyyy-" he groans.

"Ah yeah yeah" Su Hyeok quickly stood up and fixes his hair.

"Cheong Sannnn, you're gonna be late if you don't come out right now" They heard Onjo's voice coming from the door.

Cheong San and Su Hyeok stares at each other..

"Ah..i'll go take a shower, just be quiet and she'll leave anyway" said Cheong San and went straight to the bathroom.

Su Hyeok nods and just waits for his turn to use the bathroom..

[A few minutes later]

"Oi Cheong San, Are you done yet?" Su Hyeok asks

"Ehh? I just went inside here a few minutes ago-" Cheong San replied.

Su Hyeok comes to the bathroom door, "We're both going to be late if i wait for my turn" he said.

"..What, i'll be finishing soon just wai-" Cheong San's word was cutt off because Su Hyeok Busted inside the bathroom.

Cheong San looks at Su Hyeok in shock and tries to cover himself

"..W-What are you doing!?-" Cheong San asks in embarrassement

"We're both guys, theres nothing wrong about that" Su Hyeok smiles and giggles.

"Aish, i'm not taking a bath with you-"
Said Cheong San but Su Hyeok blocks the door with his arms and looks to Cheong San.

"Move it" Cheong San stated.

"You still have soap on your body, come on let's clean it up" Su Hyeok requested.

Cheong San soon gave up and just bathes with Su Hyeok even if he was super embarrassed.

The soap ended up slipping out from Cheong San's hands.

"I'll get it for you" said Su Hyeok

"No i'll just reach for it" Cheong San replies and bends down to be able to reach the soap on the floor.

Cheong San stands up and and just looks at Su Hyeok looking at him..

"W-what.." Cheong San asks.

"Nothing" said Su Hyeok and kept looking at him.

"I'm finished cleaning myself, i'll go put some clothes on" Cheong San stated and leaves the bathroom.

[Timeskip after bath]

They are both rushing to school hoping that they won't get late

And they made it at the last second which made them go panting for air.

"That was close" Su hyeok said while taking his breath.

"Like everytime" Cheong San answered in gasp

Cheong San looks at Su Hyeok "hey"

"Yeah?" Su Hyeok replies

"Is my uniform you're wearing a little tight?" He asks

"No it's not, it's just about right" Su Hyeok answered.

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