Goodbyes are the Hardest

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Megan received the message. While walking into the cafeteria

She stepped into the cafeteria and joined the girls.

She had a sidebar with Anya and gave her the papers. They talked.
Anya smiled. "You told me you don't love her!" Anya said. Megan shot her a look. "Just make sure she doesn't kill herself!"

"Okay!" Anya said and walked to the room.
Megan told the kids she was leaving. Pearl was so hurt. Aaliyah stormed out.
"Your turn to leave with me for a while. We need to fix our relationship, baby girl. You are taking a school break. Come with me"

"I was thinking to take care of mummy!"
"Anya and Miranda will do that...god hope Mira does not touch my wife again"

"So baby..."
"I won't be cool watching you with another woman who isn't my mom. I will be hurt every day"

"Make sense!"
Pearl grabbed her hand across the table. "But mommy I love you. So much"
"I know you do my Angel!" Megan checked the time. "I haven't packed. Please call me!"

"I will!"

Megan got up and kissed the top of Pearl's head then cupped her face and kissed her forehead. "I love you, baby girl!"

"I love you too mom!"

Megan walked out she went back to the room.

Nicki was sulking. She was 'sleeping'
Megan walked in. "Snuggles:... baby I'm leaving"

"Don't leave mommy!"

"I promise you it's just work stuff."

"After work is done... Will you come home for good?"

"I want to. So I hope so"
Aaliyah hugged her. Megan squatted and kissed her then hugged her tight, "you are just a cute baby... Your face gives me life. Your dimples oh my God they just remind me of one of the most loved things in my heart"

Aaliyah laughing. "I don't get it!"

"It means you look just like mummy!" Megan said. Nicki was facing the other side.
"Yes, but I look like you too!"
"I wish you had a little sibling," Megan said. "How would you feel about that?"

"Great. I love kids"
"For real?"

"Yes please have another child!"

"I will work on it. I will work hard on it" Megan said. They hugged. Aaliyah walked out after kissing Megan.

"You and your little wife planning to have kids already?" Nicki asked without turning

"I don't know about already but I'm hoping"

"Get out of my room!"

"With pleasure baby. Oh before I leave... Wanna have a baby?" Megan asked. Nicki turned rapidly and screamed after she yanked the drip off her body.

Anya gasped and held it. Megan stood there mouth open in shock. Nicki was upset.

"Shit" Nicki muttered. "What do you need?"
Anya asked. "Rush to the emergency room. Ask for Dr Owens and tell him to give you a fresh drip from my office I will Do it myself. Wait let me text him" she said Anya walked out.

Nicki looked at Megan and rolled her eyes. "You are doing a great job trying to kill me, Megan. You are doing awesome baby"
Megan walked closer and took Nicki's arm and kissed it. "Am I? cause I mean to destroy you in pieces!"

"You get an A!"

"I want a straight A!"

"You do ?"

They kissed. Anya walked in.
Nicki held Megan's hand to hold hers. When injected the needle and put the drip back on.

✔️Polygamously unknown.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz