Jealousy is The Root of all Evil

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"I'm telling you sometimes I feel smothered. It's English set for crying out loud" Megan continued. Anya was laughing so hard while her sister tells her stories about her life in London. Imitating the British accent,

"I'm telling you, sis, it's just oh my gosh—" She added. At this point, Anya was laughing in tears.

After a laughing moment.
"So Cardi huh? Cute!" Anya said Megan picked up her water and sipped.
"You look happy!"

"Yeah? You think so?"

"Yeah. Your pictures say a lot!"
"Then why when I look at Nicki I just feel regret?"

"I don't know. Do you still love her?" Anya asked. "No!" Megan said. Anya nodded, she looked sad to hear that.
"But something confusing is happening to me!"

"What?" Anya asked.
"When I look at Cardi, I do see a future with her. I get lost in her beautiful eyes. I like touching her body when we doing it. I do a lot of foreplays. I do cum a lot. Is like driving a car on a muddy road, slowly but surely, you know you gonna get there."

"Where are we going with this?" Anya asked.
"Nicki? Man one look at that woman. One look, she could say one word to me and my panties get soaked. Touching her is enough foreplay. Caressing her body can make me soaked hard. I wish I had that with Cardi. But why of all people on this planet, why do I have to have it with the woman I can't stand?"

Anya shrugged.
"I'm telling you, sis. When I set my eyes on that woman. I wanna touch her. I wanna cum on her mouth, I want her to sit on my face." Megan added.

They heard a car pull over. "Oh shoot... Today is Tuesday lunch with my sister, I forgot!"

"What do you mean I'm your only sister!"

"I mean my sister-in-law! Aka Nicki. I better order our lunch. As for you...It was fun being with you. Let's do this again tomorrow. I love you so much and I'm proud of you but now is my time with Nicki" Anya said clicking on her phone and pushing Megan out. They opened the door, while Nicki was about to knock. "Oh hi! Are you busy? We can cancel today so that you two can hang out. Let's do it next week" Nicki said walking away. "Hell no, she was about to leave, come on in!" Anya said. Nicki walked in. Megan shut the door and walked back in too.

Anya ordered their lunch.

Megan sat back on her chair and looked at Nicki with the 'yes I'm fucking looking at you- look.
Nicki was getting uncomfortable.
"Excuse me I need to use the bathroom," Nicki said. She looked at herself in the mirror.

-I gained weight shit, that's why she's looking at me like that- she thought to herself.

Going back to the living room. Nicki was uncomfortable with her body. Megan looked her up and down.

"Anya I can't do this. I'm just not comfortable!" she said taking her purse.
"Why, because I'm looking at you?"

"Yes, Megan. I gained weight I know that. Stop looking at me like that!" Nicki snapped. "Oh, you gained weight? I didn't notice. Shit, you must have gained it all in the right places cause damn!" Megan muttered. Anya kicked her under the table. "Shut up fool... Nicki seat down, ignore her"

Nicki sat down.
Megan was undressing her with her eyes. "Hmmm shit!" she muttered, closing her eyes. Anya kicked her again. "Ou! Not cool" Megan muttered,

Food arrived.
Megan picked sushi and licked it with her tongue all out. Anya slapped her. Meanwhile, Nicki was getting wet as fuck. "Megan stop it!" Anya warned her sister.

"Okay fine whatever... I will go to the kitchen" Megan said

She went to the kitchen and climbed up the counter and start wiggling her feet and enjoying her food.

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