Divorce is sweet & Sour

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That evening while waiting for Nicki

Megan received a message from Pearl.

*she told me about the divorce. You will always be my mom and I love you so much
. Hope our bond remain the same. Things don't need to change between us. I would very much like to have you in my life forever. I love you mom.*

Megan had faith before, that they would talk it out. But now she was scared it was really over.

*always be my baby* she responded.

Nicki didn't show up to talk.  She was busy getting herself the deserved leave and time out with a trip to China.

Megan called her
It sent her straight to the machine. Megan was freaking out and getting angrier because if it was her in Nicki's position she wouldn't have given up that easily

The following morning. Megan had to fake being in pain to get Nicki's attention.

Megan was seating on the stairwell. Nicki shut the door and walked closer. "Seat down with me," Megan said. Nicki looked at her. She realised it was a trap. "You can't use excruciating pain to get my attention it's unfair," Nicki said. "My heart is in pain, Nicki you can't divorce me"

"I'm not. You did!"
"I didn't say anything. I didn't communicate divorce you jumped the gun"
"Did I really Meg? Did I?"

Megan couldn't lie. So she kept quiet.
"Okay, you didn't. I did when I filed for divorce. I felt like it was the right thing to do, which wasn't baby I am very regrettable about that decision. I want my wife back!"

"You are amazing you know that? You ignore me after you find out what Kat did to you, my dad was a jerk to you and you turned on me even after I defended you as a wife should. You sleep on the couch then filed for divorce without talking to me...
I signed the damn papers and now you acting like everything is okay. Nothing is okay Megan. We divorced. and I moved out of the house. This is what you want right? I have nothing more to say to you, tell your lawyer to call my lawyer. I'm done here. Make sure to take your meds the treatment can't work alone." Nicki said

"You hurt me, Megan. You hurt me deeply. After talking about no divorce multiple times you go behind my back and did this. I'm sorry I can't forget that. I can't forgive that backstabbing. I love you Megan Pete and I will always will but I feel hurt and betrayed. I stood up for you in front of my parents and basically chose you over them and you do this to me? Nothing I do is ever gonna be good enough for you. So go ahead and submit the papers to your lawyer. I'm out of here!" Nicki said and walked out.

Megan felt her tears running down.
And just like that, it was over. Nicki was out of the house. Aaliyah didn't understand what divorce was so she was confused more than hurt. Megan was hurt the most cause she blamed herself.

Nicki was staying in a hotel while the proceedings continued.

After a week. She wrote a note and travelled with Pearl to China.

*I don't wanna fight. You can have full custody of our daughter., after all, you carried her. I will have her over on my off days. (I will take more of those to spend time with my daughter). You and Pearl will communicate about spending time together that one is not up to me. I'm Sorry, everything had to end like this. Take your meds. PS: I'm not changing my name.  Love Nicki*

In China

Most people there don't speak English, Nicki focused on her research and pleasuring herself. Pearl was exploring and touring.

The divorce took a toll on Megan than she ever imagined it would.
She was drinking more than usual. Always drunk and incompetent at work. She needed help. Not therapy per say but AA. She needed an Alcoholics Anonymous group to help her before it gets out of control.

"Megan you need help!" Chris said squatting next to her chair. She sniffled. Smelling booze
"My wife left me. You wanna help me bring my wife back home" Megan said. "I talked to her, her trip has been extended," he said

"Then stop okay. Stop helping me. Let me drown in my pain. I lost my family. I messed up my marriage. It hurts like fuck!"

"I was once in your shoes. I know the pain." Chris said.

"I can never make it without Nicki. She's my rock. I need my wife back"

"Call her, text her just talk to her!"

"Don't you think I've already done those things? She hates my guts. She's not returning my calls or texting me back. It's over Chris. It is over." Megan said picking a bottle of half empty vodka and indulging till the last drop.

Chris was out of options. And unfortunately Anya was working on a big case in Washington DC. Megan had no one else but Chris, and he didn't know how to help.

Megan was so lonely she called Lala.
On call:
Lala: It's been a very long time. How are you doing?
Megan: I know you are engaged to be married to a NBA player... I'm going throw divorce and it hurt like shit. I just need something that could make me feel less pain cause alcohol isn't helping
Lala: something like what Megan... meaningless sex?
Megan: if that's okay.
Lala: I can. My house later?
Megan: hotel. later

In China, Pearl was just getting off a call with Megan.

Nicki was drinking her water like wine. Just sipping slow. The Irony is that Nicki wasn't drinking at all. Megan was overdrinking.

"That was mom!" Pearl said. She was fishing for her mother's attention. Nicki didn't react or move or turn.
"You not gonna ask me how she's doing?"

"Nope. Her well-being is a great thing but not my concern!"

"Mom is like this doesn't hurt you at all... Why?"

"Because I know for a fact that I did my very best to make this work. I lost my money. Lost myself. I did everything Pearl and it wasn't good enough so knowing that I did my part gives me peace. I'm at peace with this"

"So you don't want her back?"

"I love mummy. But no Pearl I don't want her back we are done. It's over baby. I accepted it, you need to accept it as well" Nicki said.

While she accepted and planning to move on... Megan was not doing okay at all.

She was slowly losing her mind to a bottle of bourbon.

Every day she would text Nicki. Nicki wouldn't bother to respond. Nicki was done with the marriage.

She met Lala at a hotel.
"Touch me!" Megan begged. "Please make me forget about my ex for the night. Touch me. Rub my pussy. Spank my ass. Just make me feel good" Megan added.
Lala kissed her. Touched her the way she wanted to be touched.

Rubbed her pussy, sucked it to orgasm.

After having sex with Lala. Megan felt the same. There was no change in her body. It turns out to be a moment of pleasure. But she didn't stop. She continued having sex with Lala at the hotel every week.

She was so desperate to block her feelings for Nicki.

"Hey I brought dinner!" Chris said walking in her house. "Hey Chris in the bathroom" Megan shouted. Chris took that as an invitation and went to the bathroom. Megan was butt ass naked.

Chris swallowed hard while drooling.

"I thought you were decent!"

"I'm not. But you can come in and shut the door" Megan said. Chris walked in and shut the door. He walked closer and put his hands on her ass.

Her hormones where all over the place. They touched and then kissed.

Megan squatted and pulled his hard dick out. She gave him head

Next thing he was inside her fucking her in the bathroom.

I don't know how Megan will bounce back but she isn't herself at the moment.
I'm writing final chapters. Don't like the book anymore ? HONEY DONT FUCKING READ IT KLAAR!

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