Chapter 27

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After the so called 'cops' said that,i saw my parents and everyone's reaction they were shocked  especially my parents. I sighed and knew i had to tell them later about who i am. 

I looked at the so called cops and analysed  them from head to toe, as i was scanning them something particular one of the guys chest caught my eyes it was our rival mafia gang tattoo. Upon looking at that i started laughing. 

Everyone looked at me strangely while papa and papi gave me curious looks. As i got my laughter under control i look at our rivals and relised one of them is the boss son. 

I sigh and got up from the table taking my pocket knife discreetly i got near to the soon to be heir and said to him:

"Dude its either your dad doesn't care about u getting killed by black rose herself or your just a dumb fuck"

Once i said that i saw fear in his eyes as he just got caught by me. I smiled and told asked him:

"Easy way or hard way"

He suddenly got the courage and say:

"Your just a dumb slutty whore-----

Before he could finish his sentence i slit his throat. In my defense he was  getting on my nerves and he is useless to me since by tonight his dad is gonna die is an explosion oops hehe " 

Suddenly gunshots were ringing and his so called partners were shooting but i was quicker i took my gun out of my waistband and shot all of them between their eyes. 

I looked at the floor and it was covered in blood i took my phone and called my members to come and clean it. 

I looked back at my family and Enzo's parents, most of them were shocked and speechless of what they just witness. 

I sheepishly smiled at them and teo was the first one to break the ice:


i said:

"Hey in my defense Teo they were not the cops, cause no cops or anyone knows my identity except for Knights soooooo today his chapter will be close in about 




I received a called i picked it up and put it on loud speaker:

"Its done boss, The kights family wont be a disturbance to you or anyone anymore"

I replied with Good and hanged up

Enzo came close to me and kissed my forehead and i told all off them all:

"I think i have some explanation to do"

And most of them said:


I just smiled and asked them to sit down

Then i started to tell them how i started becoming the world;s best assassin, Racer, Hacker and fighter but i didn't tell them about me being Dark Rose just yet. once i was done telling my mom and dad had tears streaming down their face while Mama, Mami, papa, papi, Teo and Enzo's mom was looking at me with pride and another emotion that i can't really pick up. 

everyone told me how proud there were with me even Enzo's parents which was kind of weird since i only know them now. 

I told them i tossed and need to wash up since im still covered in blood Enzo followed me and while walking up the stairs i heard chorus of we love u. I laughed and also said i laugh u bunch of hooligans and they all laughed. 

Rosé KingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora