Chapter 14

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Once my parents told me that I quickly got out of the house and rode to Aria's house. When i reached her house Scar was also there, we all said hi. 

Before i could say anything else Ari got up and went upstairs and she came back with 2 dresses one was black and the other was blood red, she handed it to me and said:

"This is for you from me and Scar and don't you dare refuse it" 

And scar added:

"you may be our boss but you are our best friend you are like a sister to us, so shut your trap and take it"

I was literally speechless so i just go to them and hugged both of them and they hugged me back.

I said:

"Thank you guys so much, I love you guys so much!"

Once i said that they said together:

"We love you to Rory"

After a long time of chatting and laughing it was already 8 so i said goodbye and left. As i reached my room i started to get ready i wore my black dress and wore light make up, put some jewelries and i put on my black nudes heels. 

After I got ready i put my blood red dress in another bag since i have to change and i got down. As i was reaching down there was Enzo in his black fitted suit and leather shoes he looked hot as fuck.

When i reached the bottom of the stairs Enzo took my hand and place a kiss and said:

"You look very stunning tonight"

And i said,

"Thank you, you cleaned up nice to"

Before he could say anything else my mum and dad came in, my dad saw me and said:

"Oh my god Rory you looked magnificent"

Once he said that he realized something and cursed loudly saying:

"FUCK!!!! Now i have to keep an eyes on all the boys"

Mum just laughed while Enzo said:

"I'll help with that"

I quickly said, lets go its already late. Once we all are in the car it only took us half an hour to reach. 

As our chauffeur opened the door for us suddenly there were flashes of camera and people asking questions to my family like:


Once we reach inside people there were a lot of successful business people here as we took our seat they started the introduction, so I excused myself and went to the toilet.

As i went i was in the toilet i checked whether anyone was in or not, once i saw there was no one i quickly changed into my Dark Rose the blood red dress, changed heels and wore a mask to cover my face. 

After i was done i checked myself one last time in the mirror and went out. As i went out i heard the host was talking about me. So i banged open the doors and strode in like i owned the place. 

There were silence while i was walking, I saw some people face were filled with fear, disgust, proud and happiness. The only think that i could hear was my heels clicking on the floor that made it echo. 

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