Chapter 5

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Once I had shoot him through his skull I took a black rose and put it on his body with a note saying what he has done and why he deserved it and i told my army:


Once i finished giving orders I went to my warehouse bathroom that was only for me and I looked in the mirror I was covered in that bastard blood.

When I was done taking a bath i took and babies and rode home.

As I was parking my bike and when i got in the house thr kitchen light was on, and me being me went to see who was that.

When i walked into the kitchen there was my uncle Enzo with wishkey in his hand and he was shirtless.

I looked from his face to his 8 freaking packs and lastly his v shape, once I saw his v shape let me tell u he was fucking huge.

I guess he did not hear or see me coming in cause he looks deep in thoughts so I tooked that as my chance to as i was slowly tippy toeing i heard a deep voice said:


I was frozen for a minute and did not know what to do. I am a well respected business women and most feared in the underground world, i never freeze in my life.

Instead I make people freeze but this greek god here with his deep voice and all his gift will  make me fall to my knees.

I decided to stay and when i sat down and looked up my eyes were locked with a grey pair.

I was the first once to break the eye contact and I looked everywhere but him and he asked:

"Why are you ignoring me Aurora and where were you?"

And i asked:

"Why did you left me without saying goodbye or atleast a letter?"

And he said:

"Aurora you remember what happened on your 12 birthday. You were all in danger because of me, so i had to leave without anyone knowing to protect you all"

And I said:

"Don't give me this fucking bullshit at least once a year you could have send a letter or even email me even if you can't talk"

I was damn angry how could he give this fucking bullshit and then something he said ran through my mind and I asked him:

"What do you mean because of you we were all in danger?"

He looked like he was having an internal battle of telling me. He said:

"I can't tell you now next time when your older"

And with that i was annoyed as fuck i was giving him death glares but he seems immune to it. My eyes were roaming around his face and then it slowly went down to his chest area.

One of his tattoos on his chest caught my eyes it and i couldn't believe what I'm seeing it was:

An achor with a snake wrapped around it

I was too shocked because only the mafia king had that tattoo and no one else have it.

For the first time ever in my life I felt stupid I should have known cause my whole life he was filthy  rich and my dad once told me his job is very dangerous.

But I still couldn't process that Uncle Enzo was the MAFIA KING.

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