Chapter 4

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Well i guess i have to reintroduce myself, so my name is Aurora Claire Rose Romano, I am the owner of Rose Clothing, Rose jewelry,Rose dealership (cars and bikes). In the business world everyone knows me as Dark Rose (DR)and no they do not know my identity. 

Im also a worlds famous and most feared assassin, hacker, racer and fighter.In the underground world people knows me as Black Rose (BR). people don't know my gender nor any of me. 

Even my parents don't know anything about this, the only people that knows is Ari and Scar.

Now i'm plotting to kill Elijah Mosses Knight.

 When i'm done i see my clock its pass 12 so i put on my Black Rose outfit it is a black clock with a black mask that covers my face and a black leather pant and black boots. I took my lovelies which are my favorite knife and guns, and sneaked out of the window.  

i took my BR bike and rode all the way to my warehouse. As i got into the warehouse everyone got scared accept for Ari and Scar. 

They led me to the basement where that bastard is which Scar tied him to a pole. 

I got near me and took of his blindfolds off and said:

"Tsk Tsk Tsk so pathetic"

I took out my favourite knife, once he saw that he panicked and started beggeing but it was music to my ears. 

I lowered his pants and cut of his rather small balls of slowly while he was screaming and i said:

"I would have a lot of fun today torturing  you" and I laughed. After i did that took my  sharpest knife and cut of his rather small dick and said


Once i said that i took out my  gun shoot him in his hands, legs, stomach and finally put a bullet in his head.


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