Pans & One Direction{Ch.2}

978 13 1

~Mia's POV~

CLANG!!! Shit. I dropped the frying pan on the floor. My aunt Jillian and cousin Bethany were still sleeping. I hope I didn't wa- "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO NOW!!??" Great. They're awake. "I-I d-dropped i-it" I stuttered. SMACK!!! I cupped my cheek over the spot that Jillian just slapped me, and winced in pain. "What did I tell you about stuttering and mumbling!!? It annoys the fuck out of me!" She screamed. Bethany snorted as I flinched at Jillian's harsh words. "I-Im S-sorry." I stuttered again. She slapped me, much harder this time. I tried not to stutter, but it's kinda hard when your a whimp like me. Every sound, every touch, makes me flinch. It's become a habit since the first day she hit me,


"Mia. I love you. My time is coming to an end sooner than I thought, but you'll have Auntie Jill and Beth. No matter what, ill always love you my little Mia munchkin" my mom whispered with her last breath.


My mom died 10 minutes after my father. That was when my life changed forever. An orphan. That was my title. The worst title you can ever give somebody. Later that day I went home with Jillian and Bethany and they blamed my parent's deaths on me, but they actually died from a very strong flu. From that day forward, Jillian and Bethany have kicked me, punched me, slapped me, burned me, pushed me down a flight of stairs, tried to poison me, and made me move into the garage.

SIZZZZZZZZ. "OWW!!" I cried out in pain as I came back to reality. Jillian snickered as Bethany put the still hot pan on my arm, causing it to sizzle and break skin. That hurt like hell! "That's what you get for not listening." Bethany laughed in my face. "Like I was saying, we are going to have some guests stay over for a week. You, Mia, are going to be their personal servant. Anything they want, you do it. Do you understand?!?" Jillian hissed. "Yes ma'am!" I nodded my head. They both left later to go shopping. I was headed out the door to go to my "room" when the doorbell rang. I hesitantly opened the door. No. Fucking. Way. "H-" the blonde one started, but I slammed the door on him before he could finish. Oh my god. One Direction was at the door.

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