He's too curious at times.

"I will live far longer than anyone I will ever love, even if they were immortal, I don't think they would stick around much longer with me by their side," I explained, lowering my head slightly.

"Well... even if they don't live as long as you... doesn't their memory live on? I know it's kinda cheesy to say that but wouldn't it be better than avoiding something just cause you think it won't last?"

I paused for a moment, taking in the response as I tried to understand it myself.

"I... suppose you are right," I smiled.
"So? How about now? Don't you think you could ever fall in love?" He asked again.
"...I guess so, it really depends," I said.
"Like what?"

"Hm, I guess if they had a cute smile and face with a cute laugh then I suppose," I hinted, playing into his curious nature.
"Ha! I knew it! So, you really don't like anyone?" He asked again, a grin on his face.
"I don't, not at the moment," I said.

"Well I do~," He grinned, leaning on me as he tried to get my attention.

Which he very much did.

"Really? Who?" I asked, now only interested in who this mysterious person could possibly be.
"Not telling~! But I'll give you a couple of hints," He smirked.

I tried to act like I didn't care to listen but I gave a sigh of defeat; now only wanting to see if I could figure out who it could be.

"...Fine, what are the hints?" I questioned.

"Hm, their always serious, don't understand a lot of my jokes, struggles to show any emotion, and always and I mean always frown," He laughed.

"Huh, sounds like you have no taste," I commented.

All I could imagine is some girl that never smiles and just complains, not really the kind of girl I would think Randy would be into.

I was more so picturing a girl that had a lot of similar interests with him. You know, playing videos games until morning, puns and jokes on the daily, no cares in the world other then living in the moment.

That's what I thought Randy liked but I guess people can surprise you at times.

"I think I have great taste~," He smiled.

"So, you got a type? You know, like what do you want in a date?" He asked.

I took a moment to think but it was impossible to think of anything that didn't just flat out describe him.

I liked his smile, his cute laugh, his soft hair, the way he explains weird current topics.

It's way too on the nose.

"...I'm not too sure, never really put much thought into it," I shrugged.
"Oh come on, you've got to have at least one characteristic you like on a person," He insisted.
"Not particularly," I said simply.

He sighed at my lack luster response, though his curiosity was still lively as he looked to be piecing together more questions for me to answer.

It's cute watching him think so careful on what to ask next.

"What about first dates? Ever thought of the perfect date?" He asked.
"Like a setting?"
"Yeah! Like if you wanted to go to the beach or to another county!" He gushed, thinking of his own ideas of a perfect date.

Randicon One-Shots (cause I can)Where stories live. Discover now