Fred: that's cool but what's up with the name

Eugene is now online.

Eugene: bro stop flexing you have a gf bro

Conner (me): fine y'all choose a name then

Eugene: fred are you gonna put something like "anti-arthur pendragon society"

Fred: LMAO NO???

Eugene has changed the group name to "single people and conner".

Conner (me): ok y'all are just doing it to yourself now

Fred has changed the group name to "we play basketball and you don't".

Conner (me): wow

Eugene has changed the group name to "we're all simps let's face it".

Fred: Eugene who are you simping for

Eugene: you :)

Fred: ;)


Eugene: good

Eugene: lol

Conner (me): Eugene are you always this mean to everyone except danielle

Eugene: I am mean to everyone ESPECIALLY danielle

Fred: *gasp*

Fred: im sending this to her

Eugene: sure

Conner (me): The lack of shame smh

Fred: are you not scared of her

Eugene: dani is actually nice to everybody except me so I'm used to it :)

Fred: ... Why can't I argue against that lmao

Eugene: and why do I have a Feeling you two keep on talking about me behind my back

Fred: you're the mutual friend bro

Conner (me): It feels like there's a sus triangle relationship going on

Eugene: well.

Conner has changed the group name to "and there were only three beds".

Conner (me): Ive spent too much time writing and being chronically online

Fred: actually there's only one bed and we'll get squished up against each other while we send our complaints

Eugene: wow much bonding

Conner (me): wow friend chip

Fred: wow

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